• EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find org.jbpm.task.User with id group1

    I am using JBPM 5.3 and trying to get all tasks assigned to a specific group using getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner.   List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); groups.add("group1"); BlockingTask...
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    last modified by sftzptrck
  • Jbpm 5.4cr Multiple instance with sub-process failed to continue

    Hi,   I use jbpm 5.4cr.  I have problem with process A having multiple instance node containing sub-process.   1. When I use sub-process B with no human task nodes everything is ok. Sub-process B (multi...
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    last modified by blazob
  • "ID needs to be unqiue" ,do somebody know this meaning?

      This is just funny,the word is "unqiue" not the "unique"!!   see the pic's left bottom   This message gived by the eclipse BPMN2.0 plugin  
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    created by really_so_cool
  • JBPM 5.1 Terminate Event fail

    I have a simple process wich, given some condition, reach a Terminate Evenet. Te problem is that, when this happens, it tries to skip the pendig Tasks, but fail with this error message: User '[User:'Administrator']...
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    last modified by diaguirr
  • Define on entry/on exit scripts in custom work definition

    Is it possible to define on entry and on exit scripts in my work definitions file(.wid)? For example :     // Read file   [     "name" : "readFile",     "parameters" : [ &...
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    last modified by jbrazil5
  • Any help how to play with WorkItemHandler with parameter mapping ?

    Halo all,        Anyone can provide a sample that is work with parameter mapping on workitemhandler and it's success pass to next node to get back the parameter ?      I ...
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    last modified by rickylkl
  • anyone guide me how to access processinstance in split constraints?

    Dear all,   rule "Example validation rule"     ruleflow-group "validate"     when         processInstance : WorkflowProcessInstance()   ...
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    last modified by rickylkl
  • How to get variable from  WorkItemHandler class  ??

    Hi forum,   Anyone who can help or point me how can i GET THE VARIABLE THAT I INSERT IN SESSION or STARTPROCESS(processId, VARIABLE) ?   I got c controller with this method :   private void testDr...
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    last modified by rickylkl
  • start message event node?

    Per the JBPM5 docs:   jBPM5 does not implement all elements and attributes as defined in the BPMN 2.0 specification. We do however support a significant subset, including the most common node types that can be us...
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    last modified by cedric.hurst
  • anyone can help ? org.jbpm.persistence.processinstance.BlobUserType.nullSafeSet

    Hi guys,   Can anyone help about this exception ?   org.jbpm.persistence.processinstance.BlobUserType.nullSafeSet   i got this exception while startprocess, i have no idea wt happen and cant google it...
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    last modified by rickylkl
  • jBPM integration on WebSphere with oracle 10g as datasource

    I am new to JBoss - jbpm . The thing i need to inquire is how to integrate jbmp with my application deployed on websphere with oracle 10g as the datasource . Is there any tutorial that can help me as i couldn't find o...
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    last modified by vypah
  • drools 5 + jbpm5 + spring persistence

    HI GUYS,        I am new to Jbpm5 and Drool 5, i am trying to integrate those with spring persistence. ( i am using jbpm5.3 and drools 5.4)     is there any nice reference link it ...
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    created by rickylkl
  • jbpm 5.4 org.jbpm.persistence.processinstance.ProcessInstanceInfo

    Dear all jbpm expert,        I am so new to Jbpm5 and Drool 5, i am trying to integrate those with spring persistence. ( i am using jbpm5.3 and drools 5.4)      i have a ...
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    created by rickylkl
  • Problem displaying process instance in the ProcessTest example

      Yesterday it worked. But now it does not work any more. Everything (bpmn- und java-file) is unchanged and from the example in the sample folder.   !ENTRY org.eclipse.jface 4 2 2011-07-13 12:47:44.263 !M...
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    last modified by michael.wagner
  • JBPM and Webservice call with callback - please advise

    Hi,   I'm quite new to JBPM5, though have worked quite a lot with JBPM4.4.   We are investigating if we can switch to JBPM5. I need to create a Task in a bpmn flow that sends a message to an external webs...
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    last modified by mvermand
  • After connected to  MySQL database, would data be stored in H2 in-memory database?

    Hi everyone,   I have such a question that after I configured some xml , and connected jBPM to MySQL database.   Would those persistent data still be sotred in H2 database?   My question : Is there...
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    created by gvino
  • Human task API, how to move forward in the workflow ?

    I'm finishing my human task, with the taskClient API, calling start and complete on the human task. But my next task, (after the human task) never gets called.   Do I need to do something else in my code ?  ...
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    last modified by jcharnet
  • Is Termiante main processinstance can terminate subprocess also

    Hi   I have a Prcess definition with a reusable subprocess. when I Terminate the main process instance the subprocess is still running. Is any way to terminate the subprocess also. For termiate processinstanc...
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    last modified by shijuj
  • Is anyway to get the subprocessinstance id using the Mainprocess instance Id

    Hi Is anyway to get the subprocessinstance id using the parent process instance Id in the case of reusable subprocess. Is any table mapping is there ? Please help.
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    last modified by shijuj
  • query an external database from a process

    I'm new with jbpm and evaluate for my purpose how I can use jbpm in my project. In the last days I learned the basics for jbpm but I didn’t found any info’s about query an external database from a process...
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    last modified by shill