• Generate reports with jbpm-console + Jboss 7

    in the  file “build.properties"  configure "jBPM.birt.download=true" but does not the report generator jbpm-console. And displays the following message: "Reporting Engine does not seem to be running....
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    created by quirozariel21
  • Duplicate signal

    Hello. I have the following problem. When sending a signal to the process: ksession.signalEvent(type, event, procId); Trigger signal once two consecutive for one command. I think this is a bug. Maybe you have any w...
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    created by neki
  • Where is the best place to colloborate on 3rd party applications that work with jBPM?

    Hello Everyone,   Sometime last month, I posted a question about 'Enhancing jBPM's Usability' here ( https://community.jboss.org/message/856310?et=watches.email.thread#856310)   We would like to share with...
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    last modified by ngigiwaithaka
  • How to send a event/massage from process instance  to another process instance

    Hi, I want to sent a event inside a process instance to another process instance, All the instances  are in one session. How can i do this?
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    last modified by oceanskkkkky
  • Diagram not updated (using async. work item)

    Hi All,   last weekend I played arround with drools (5.3.0.CR1) and  jbpm (5.1.1.Final) on jboss 5.1. I have a simple bpmn: [1]start -> [2] timer ->[3]script -> [4]AsyncHandler -> [5]timer -&g...
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    last modified by liviah
  • [Jbpm5]how to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow

    Hello , every one!   I have a question about how to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow . I find a java file in the core sourcecode------>org.jbpm.integration.console.graph.GraphVie...
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    last modified by aronjiao
  • Any Usable Documentation ?

    I'm just getting started using jBPM, and was looking for some actual documentation on the API.  I looked here: KIE API 6.0.1.Final API   I found the class I needed to look up: org.kie.api.task.TaskService...
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    created by clay_ferguson
  • How to attach source in Eclipse for Debugging

    Does anyone know how to attach the jBPM  Source in Eclipse ?   The  jBP Library shows up as "non-modifiable" when you open the Eclipse build path dialog and so it doesn't allow source attachment. ...
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    last modified by clay_ferguson
  • Attaching source/doc jars to eclipse

    I want to attach source and doc jars to my jBPM project in eclipse. However eclipse is saying that the "jBPM Library" is non-modifiable, and the buttons to perform necessary operations in eclipse are greyed out.  ...
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    last modified by wendyschmitz
  • Objects and web-services in jBPM

    Is it possible to consume web-services and/or use own libraries (and thus custom objects) into a jBPM workflow? Eventually, could I expose this process as (another) web-service? Regards, V.
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    last modified by vdenotaris
  • jBPM Web Application in Tomcat with MySQL

    Hello Community,   I try to develop a jBPM Web Application with persistence enabled. I want to run this Web Application in a Tomcat 7 server. For that I created a new dynamic web project in eclipse.   As ...
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    created by marinav
  • jBPM 6 Create own persistence

    Hello Community,   I am new to jBPM and try to integrate jBPM 6 in an existing CRM Application. To resume the processes after a server crash, I have to create a persistence mechanism. The CRM Application alread...
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    last modified by marinav
  • How to Display Alternate Process Image to End User?

    Hi,   I use JBPM 5.4   We have many kinds of nodes inside our process definition, signal node, service node, human task node, etc.   Some of these nodes is quite technical and our end user does not w...
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    last modified by thomas.setiabudi
  • Service task not available on Eclipse Designer

    Hello Folks,   jBPM User guide mentions about "Service Tasks" but I could not find it in the Eclipse Designer Components. How can I add a Service task to my process using Eclipse Designer?   Thanks, Diogo.
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    last modified by diogosaad
  • The signal from one process to another

    Hello. I have the following problem. I need to implement a mechanism that one process can send a signal to other processes. I use this code. But get an error. Please tell me how I can implement this mechanism.  ...
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    created by neki
  • email configuration with drools

    Hi   I am trying to configure email in my workflow design. Somebody help me how to configure the email in the jbpm workflow using drools guvnor???   Regards kannan
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    created by kannan123
  • Work with database in WorkItemHandler?

    Hello i have user database.   I Initalize:   <persistence-unit name="userData" transaction-type="JTA">... (persistence.xml)   I use Class for work with database:   @Stateless @Transactio...
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    last modified by neki
  • [Jbpm5]how to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow in the web application

    In my web application ,I want to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow ,I can not find a class which with these methods just like .getX() and .getY() ,I use jbpm5.2.0
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    last modified by mimi_2012
  • problem with Remote jBPM workflow implementation

    Hi all   I am trying to implement the remote jbpm workflow in my project. Implementing the workflow in the custom portlet. I have successfully passed the form parameters to the workflow instance from where the w...
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    created by kannan123
  • JBPM. Skip task (not work timer)

    Hello. used jbpm 6. I need to implement: user has the task if it does not start for some time, it is necessary to cancel the job. I am using the following approach. But it does not work when the process is run multipl...
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    last modified by neki