• JBPM 5 Transaction in EJB 3

    Hello,   I'm using JBpm 5.4 with JBoss 7.1 and JBPM 5.4. I have problem with transaction when I create kssesion object inside EJB (transaction managed by container). I don't know how to force (configure) JBPM 5 ...
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    last modified by swienty1
  • How to join a JBPM5 transaction in a standalone web design?

    Hi,   I'm using the JBPM 5.2 jars inside a webapp that runs on a JBoss AS 7. jbpmEmf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("org.jbpm.persistence.jpa"));   JBPM works fine. Now I want to create custom ...
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    last modified by mvermand
  • process state problem

    Hi,all    After I startProcess, I found the the method return Immediately. how can I know when the process I created is completed or is active ?
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    last modified by wangtrash
  • can subprocess get its father process's parameter?

    Hi, everyone     I have customize a subproess, and another subprocess  is in it. in running, I want the subprocess get some father process' parameters. how could I do? 
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    last modified by wangtrash
  • Jbpm sample project error

    Hi I'm new to Jbpm, when I try to run the sample jbpm project (ie. simple "helloworld" project) I'm getting this error on console. I've imported almost all jar files those which are required for jbpm project. But stil...
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    last modified by aneesrahman
  • How to remote debug jBPM 5.2.x code with JBoss

    Red Hat has a fully supported, certified, enterprise BRMS product, which contain jBPM, BRMS 5.3.x build from jBPM 5.2.x source code, so it's meaningful and necessary to dive into jBPM 5.2.x source code. This is articl...
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    last modified by kylin
  • Task persisted without potowners

    Hi   I have a JBPM process that has a very strange behaviour.   "Sometimes" when a human task is persisted in the database the potowners aren't persisted.   If another instance of the process and ano...
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    created by daniemarques
  • Assigning task to Groups in Drools-guvnor

    Hi, Facing problem while assigning any task as group task in guvnor,when i assign some task to some group say HR .While creating the instance it should come in Group Task and then underneath the group the users shoul...
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    created by tracer
  • how to get all deployed processes?

    hi, i develop business processes interface in java. i need to get all deployed process list. (or only one process by process id). how can i get? thanks.
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    last modified by semih88
  • Capture the validation error for java scriplets and conditions

    Hi,      I have developed a UI for process defintion. While loading the process XML to engine, some time I get erroro due to coding mistakes in my on entry and exist scriplets or on the gateway co...
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    last modified by sajuc
  • Attach & Reterive Custom metadata with process instance

    Hello,         We are developing 1 Document based application with jbpm5.2 ( Migerating with jbpm5.4 also) . Now we need to handle some metadata of document so is it possible to handle m...
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    last modified by crasybpm
  • jbpm5.2 integration with liferay 6.1

    I am trying to integrate (defination of integration is display  drools guvnor task i.e. designing workflow, custom pallete, deploymemnt and jbpm console task i.e process definations , user task etc on liferay UI ...
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    last modified by maverick.mittal
  • Exposing WorkItemHandler as an EJB (3.1) and referencing that work item handler from the BPMN process definition

    JBPM 4.4 allowed us to expose an EJB and reference that <java> node within the JPDL using the attribute ejb-jndi-name (per devguide:http://docs.jboss.com/jbpm/v4/devguide/html_single/#java).  This was remar...
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    last modified by xmrk
  • Embedding in Play Framework

    I am at a point where I need to decide between jBPM5 and Activiti and for all different reasons till now I am leaning towards jbpm but to seal the decision I want to know few things, if any of the users may please hel...
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    last modified by bsnl
  • JBOSS 7.1.1 and JBPM 5.2 - Problem with persistence

    Hi all   I'm having a big issue.   I modeled a process that doesn't work very well with multiple access's to the server. In more detail: The first time that the server starts I'm able to go from the star...
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    created by daniemarques
  • How to back flow in JBPM5 ?

    How to back flow in JBPM5 ? I mean when the process is running like this: start ->A->B->C-D-end. But when the process run to the C node , the actor of B found that the date had been set wrong , he want to g...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • problem in making a simple human task

    i try to do something that this url mentioned it...but unfortunatley these exception come to me!   my code public class ProcessTest {           public static final v...
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    last modified by aminhosseiny
  • Unable to generate PDF document from the Web Designer 2.0.

    We have just installed jBPM 5.2 from the full installer (jbpm-5.2.0.Final-installer-full.zip) on Windows.  We haven't been able to generate the PDF document from the Web Designer 2.0.  If we use the option&#...
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    last modified by vsarmien
  • Is it possible to get UUID of a process opened in designer from drools-guvnor url

    Hi,       Is it possible to get UUID of a process opened in designer from drools-guvnor url?   Usecase:           We have an use case were ...
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    last modified by prathap.vs
  • Proposed temporary and limited approach to supporting excluded owners

      I have been looking at way to do the following within jBPM:   Have a node in a process definition be associated with a particular group (or groups), however due to the history of a given process, to excl...
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    last modified by jemmerling