• to get the user task form

    Hi   i am using jbpm5.4. I have a requirement that i wanna to access the jbpm user task form from my custom web page and i need the form variables for a particular jbpm task in my java class. How can i do this p...
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    created by kannan123
  • Are Multiple Instance Objects Sequential or Parallel in Execution? (jPBM 5.4)

    I have a business case where one part of my process needs to be executed by multiple different participants concurrently.  I believe that the "Multiple Instances" object should be able to give me this functionali...
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    last modified by mbaldwin
  • How to attach source in Eclipse for Debugging

    Does anyone know how to attach the jBPM  Source in Eclipse ?   The  jBP Library shows up as "non-modifiable" when you open the Eclipse build path dialog and so it doesn't allow source attachment. ...
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    last modified by clay_ferguson
  • Workflow task id

    Hi community,   I am using jBPM 5.4. I need the workflow task id in my custom java. From where i can get it???   Regards Kannan
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    last modified by kannan123
  • How should I migrate from jBPM 5.4 to jBPM 6.0?

    Hi, We have a project integrated with jBPM 5.4. Now we are evaluating jBPM 6 and I want to understand how can i migrate form jBPM 5.4 to 6? Is there any tool or set of guidelines that i can use?   Thanks in...
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    last modified by rjintur
  • Drools @propertyReactive on Collection property

    Hi, not sure why, but can't post anything to Drools section, so I tried my luck in here. I am sorry for any inconvenience it would cause.   How does the @propertyReactive annotation work with Collection propert...
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    created by newohybat
  • how to join task entity to processInstanceInfo?

    I want to join task entity to processInstanceInfo using hibernate Criteria. how I do it? because no entity relation between them and there is "long processInstanceId" instead "ProcessInstanceInfo processInstance" cur...
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    last modified by mostapha.aminipour
  • Uploading files via human/user task in .ftl (jBPM 5.4)

    I am attempting to have the user upload a file to me via the UI of a human/user task.  I am using the console and thus have .ftl files to define the UI of these pages.  However, I do not know what data type ...
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    created by mbaldwin
  • Objects and web-services in jBPM

    Is it possible to consume web-services and/or use own libraries (and thus custom objects) into a jBPM workflow? Eventually, could I expose this process as (another) web-service? Regards, V.
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    last modified by vdenotaris
  • jBPM5 deployment on JBoss AS 6.1

    Hello everybody, I've download the jbpm5 full installer and everything goes well when I deploy jbpm on JBoss AS 7 like the script done by default. But I need to deploy all jbpm5 components (jbpm-gwt-console-server, ...
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    created by jetune
  • time intermediate event - No active JTA transaction on joinTransaction call

    Hi ,        I use JBPM5.4 , i want to insert a time intermediate event , but it reports the following error :   13:40:27,955 ERROR [org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService] ...
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    last modified by wguo
  • Where is jbpm-human-task-war.war  in jBPM6?

    Hello,   My application depends on jBPM5.4. When I run the application, I delploy jBPM-human-task-war.war as well. Both jBPM and Human Task are persisted on the database. Now, I want to upgrade to jBPM6, but I ...
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    last modified by sadiroveski
  • Decision subprocess vs. custom workitem

    Hi, while designing my processes I came across a situation where I have to decide, whether I'd use reusable subprocess, or custom workitem definition with its handler.   I have similar structure of classes to t...
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    last modified by newohybat
  • SessionTemplate configuration via CDI

    Hello,    is it possible to configure a SessionTemplate via CDI in 5.4 or is this perhaps a Feature in 6.0?   I want to add all WorkItemHandlers that can be found via BeanManager in the SessionTempla...
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    last modified by bennixview
  • jBPM Web Application in Tomcat with MySQL

    Hello Community,   I try to develop a jBPM Web Application with persistence enabled. I want to run this Web Application in a Tomcat 7 server. For that I created a new dynamic web project in eclipse.   As ...
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    created by marinav
  • jBPM 6 Create own persistence

    Hello Community,   I am new to jBPM and try to integrate jBPM 6 in an existing CRM Application. To resume the processes after a server crash, I have to create a persistence mechanism. The CRM Application alread...
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    last modified by marinav
  • Does Drools has size limit on BPMN2 import in JBPM Designer 2.4?

    I am getting an issue in Guvnor5.5 designer Import. It seems to be the size limit. I am importing a Process definition into guvnor of 1.5MB size using "Import From BPMN2" option in guvnor designer screen. I am getting...
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    created by ahmedza
  • How do I run a process on the console?

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    last modified by bakir
  • i don't have the folder that contain to service repository for twitter, how i can get it?

    i need the folder that contain  service repository for twitter
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    last modified by bakir
  • JBPM5.4 Get Process and Node variables from ProcessDefinition

    Hi,   I am using jBPM5.4 in my custom web application. I want to auto-generate forms for the nodes based on the variables defined in the nodes. For this, I need to extract the input and output variables defined ...
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    last modified by mdegan