• How to create safe point in JBPM process??

    Hi,   I want to persist process state after complition of script task. How can i create safe point after script task??
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    last modified by manavbhaykar
  • Error in deploying custom workitem handlers

    Hi, I'm trying to do a porting from a jbpm 6.1.0 application to 6.5.0.   In the old version jbpm custom domain work items handler were added to jbpm-console.war/WEB-INF/lib my items implementations (compiled i...
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    created by lauradp
  • Unable to clone jBpm 6.5.0 repository

    Hi, I'm having troubles in cloning jbpm git repository from both a remote and local PC:   I run git clone ssh://admin@<<IP>>:<<PORT>>/jbpm-playground   from command line and I get ...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • JBPM6 Persistence Data Model

    While creating JBPM 6 tables in database, do we need indexing on some fields? Also, would it be appropriate to just write a script and create these tables in your database?
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    last modified by rajatjalal
  • ClassNotFoundException: org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.RegisteredTimerServiceDelegate

    We have an application that uses jBPM 6.5 libraries to manage workflow processes. Our application consists of 3 modules: - core (here are bpmn processes and jbpm jars as dependencies) - jca (integration with the E...
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    created by 3biga
  • BPM Process and Rules - Expose as Service

    Hello Folks,   I have developed an BPM application along with business rules for PoC for customer.   This BPM process is required to be accessed as webservice by a third party application. Is it possible to ...
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    last modified by abhisheksit2004
  • jBPM - 6.2 Service Task WS

    Hi all,           i'm trying to invoke a SAOP service using the Service Task WS provided by JBPM suite 6.2.     I set the parameter as these:         ...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • docker jBPM6: Deploy custom work item handlers OTB

    Hello everybody, I've been using jBpm 6.1 for a long time.   As ypu can read here: jBPM6: Deploy custom work item handlers OTB  I was able to deploy custom workitem handlers implementation by compiling wo...
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    created by lauradp
  • Unable to set input variables to service task

    Hi,   I'm using "Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler 1.1.5" plug-in for eclipse to create BPMN workflow. For service node I'm unable to see variables window to set IO parameters.   Is there anything wrong with the plug...
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    last modified by maheshnaidu
  • Creating a BPMN process with gate way

    Hi,   I have a requirement to create a gateway which takes input from the service tasks executed prior to gate way.   Based on the output values received from service tasks.... I have to form a condition i...
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    created by maheshnaidu
  • Error while installing kie workbench in wildfly-10.1.0.Final

    Hi,   I'm trying to configure kie workbench in wildfly-10.1.0.Final for this I deployed "kie-drools-wb-distribution-wars-6.0.0-20131217.023537-678-jboss-as7.0.war" But I'm getting the below error once I deploye...
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    created by maheshnaidu
  • Embedding JBPM 6.4 in a stand alone java application

    Hello all !   I would like to find a good example to use as a reference implementation of embedding JBPM 6.4 + version in a stand alone java application? I don't want to use any application server just pure jav...
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    last modified by achad
  • while assigning task usin jbpm it throwing unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 error

    08-Dec-2016 15:36:02.895 SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-4] com.ermapp.mvvm.AssessmentTaskViewModel.createTask createTask errorCommon==> javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC ...
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    last modified by hiteshr.umaletiya
  • Can I skip the task in KIE web workbench

    just started to play around with KIE web workbench for a jBPM 6.5 project. I have set one of the human task Skippable=true. But I have no option to skip the task in the workbench deployment.   Is there a way I ...
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    last modified by kksathesh
  • Persist data variables in database

    Hello friends,   I'm trying to do a basic review process. I have created the business process and I have created the forms based on a data object but when I execute the process the data variables aren't stored i...
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    last modified by geovanny.campoverde
  • experiencing "BitronixXAException: resource already started on XID a Bitronix XID"

    Hi,   I embed jbpm (6.1.0) in a webapp built on spring framework (3.1.2), and it run well for most of the time. However, I receive "BitronixXAException" from time to time, and I have to restart my tomcat instan...
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    created by cyu021
  • How to replace operations-dsl.mvel

    Hi,   I am using jbpm 6.4 in embedded mode, CDI Service API. My question is how can I replace the operations-dsl.mvel ? As default the file is located in "jbpm-human-task-core.jar". I would like to use a versio...
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    last modified by jimmy001
  • Identifying one of several Send tasks of a business process in a Work Item handler

    Hello,   I'm currently using jBPM 6.4.0.Final and would like to know if there is a way to identify one of several Send tasks of a business process in a work item handler.   I found another thread that asks...
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    last modified by chadiem
  • JBPM6 - Rest Task - reading standard response headers

    Hi, I would like to use the Rest Task service (RESTWorkItemHandler) in order to call rest services from the bpm processes. Since the rest services i need to call are restfuls, i have to read the "ServiceLocation" re...
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    last modified by campisic
  • Service Task invoking java class method jbpm6 eclipse: work item handler created but could not found !!

    Hi, I am really exhausted, can somebody help me out please?   I am struggling with my project for 2 weeks now! I am trying to create a single service task in BPMN2 modeler in eclipse kepler. I import a java clas...
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    last modified by nolanash