• ScheduleExpiredStateActionHandler

    ScheduleExpiredStateActionHandler has the following sub elements used to configure itself and a ExpiredStateAlertActionHandler   <!-- mandatory --> <alert-email-addr>johndoe@foo.com</alert-email-...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • JbpmDeploymentService

    The service consists of the following parts: DeploymentServiceRemote/RemoteHome/Bean: Interfaces and implementation of the service. The method deploy(byte{FOOTNOTE DEF  } parFile) can be used to transfer a par f...
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    created by kukeltje
  • JbpmAdminContrib

    JbpmDeploymentService: This transfers the deployment of par files to the server. There is no need to maintain a running hibernate perstistence layer on the client side during deployment any more.
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    created by kukeltje
  • JbpmBeanShellDecisionHandler

    All workflow variables (with a java.lang.String key) are passed to the beanshell environment. The script must set the variable with the name transition to the name of the transition that should be taken. Example: ...
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    created by kukeltje
  • JbpmOnSAPDB

    This page collects all information for running JBoss jBPM on Sap   Bens'tip on getting jBPM to work on SAPDB  Add lazy="true" to the class declaration in the hibernate mapping. For example:     &...
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    last modified by kukeltje