• Circular dependency while embedding jbpm 7.9 in spring boot 2.0.4

    I'm trying to embed jbpm 7.9 in a spring boot project, I've followed the instruction from the [official documentation][1], But instead of using xml configuration as in the document I'm using Spring Java Configuration ...
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  • connect to jBPM git repository

    Hello everybody, I'd like to know if it is possible (and, in case, how to) connect to jBPM repository (explore and commit).   I need to add custom icons for custom services and due to a bug in jBPM console ([J...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • jBPM 7.8.0 remote services

    I am calling Kie Server rest api from sample application in jBPM 7.8.0: {The drools core jar does not have this class} When I try to start a process using remote API, I am getting a class not found issue.   S...
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    created by aravindps
  • Changing the value of process level variables?

    Hi Guys!     So in one of my projects, I have been passing the service task Id's. I first initialize the "sid" as a process level variable which has the value of an empty string. However, In my first s...
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    created by dontknowme
  • How can i undo or redo a completed human task node ?

    i hava two human task node named A and B in a flow process, when the A is completed and the B has not been completed ,i want to reject the process to the Taks A ,How can i do for it?Thanks
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    last modified by iwahaha
  • Having trouble importing Git Project into KIE

    Hi!   I created a sample jBPM project in eclipse that I had then pushed to gitlab. I'm now trying to import this project from gitlab into the KIE workbench. However, every time it gives me this error: Unable t...
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    last modified by dontknowme
  • can you get back into the business process in the tasks?

    Hello people, I need to know if Jbpm exists in any way to get back some instance. for example: within a large commercial process, to be able to choose in which Task I can go back for some possible error that I woul...
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    created by emerson_o81
  • jpbm6.5.0.final,The kie workbench service I built is not stable,why?

    Hello, when I am using jpbm6.5.0.final, the web service (kie workbench) is very unstable and slow after creating multiple projects in the process of using it. Is there a solution?Thank you very much.
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    last modified by perry0820i
  • JBPM6 : How to use common human task form for all human tasks in process?

    Hi all,         I have created process using jbpm6 console. process having more then 1 human task available and i can able to successfully create seperate task form for each hum...
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  • How to configure the Keycloak on wildfly 11  server ?

    How to configure the Keycloak on wildfly 11  server ?   We are looking for Single sign on , Identity provider , Service provider configuration  on Wildfy 11  server by using Keycloak  ?  ...
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    last modified by wildfly1
  • Are you interested in run the node under multi-thread?

    I tried the following 5 flows.   The nodes moved sequentially.   [Log]  HelloG_Before.txt   Use jBPM 7.7.0 and Java SE 8 (32 bit)
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    last modified by hiroyuki.inaba
  • Why  stackoverflow occurs?

    BPMN2:   S - <O> - Script Task - <X> - E        +<=-----------------+   Script Task:   ProcessInstance p = kcontext.getProcessInstance(); Long c = (Long...
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    created by hiroyuki.inaba
  • Intermittently getting error "Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.UserTaskServiceImpl.getRuntimeManager(UserTaskServiceImpl.java:107)      at org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.UserTaskServiceImpl.execute(UserTaskServiceImpl.java"

    Rest APIs for JBPM sometimes failing with below error: responding with status 500: org.kie.remote.services.rest.exception.KieRemoteRestOperationException at org.kie.remote.services.rest.exception.KieRemoteRestOperat...
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    last modified by haroonraizada
  • How to run a wilfdly jbpm 11

    Hi everyone, i can run a server wildfy without jbpm, i just changed line in the standalone.xml, but how can i run wildfly with jbpm 7.7.0? 
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    last modified by aidos.jantleu
  • In jBPM workflow, next task does not start when the previous task completes

    My application is running on wildfly server 12.0 and uses jbpm 7.7.0 using CDI. I can start a workflow process instance successfully and the first task is created. When the first task completes, the status in `task...
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    created by inoshikag
  • How to execute a parallel node?

    Workflow       +- A1 - A2 - A3 - A4 -+ S -+- B1 - B2 - B3 - B4 -+- 5 - E     +- C1 - C3 - C3 - C4 -+   Running this workflow will be in the following order.   EX. S A1...
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    last modified by hiroyuki.inaba
  • Claim button is hidden due to the amount of form fields. - JBPM 7.7

    Good afternoon, Depending on the amount of fields that is created in the Task, the Claim button is hidden below the task bar. I've tried changing the monitor setting and decreasing the screen size, but to no avail. ...
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    created by emerson_o81
  • how to export metadata and import metadata  via keycloak

    We have wildfly 11 final  and  three stnadlaone insatnces  on it  .   We have  okta as IDP  and in our case which needs to becosnider as service provider is that keycloak or wildfly ...
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    created by wildfly1
  • Disable automatic task assignment JBPM 6

    The current JBPM 6 behavior is that if a Human Task only has one potential actor that task will automatically be assigned to that actor. Note that a task that only has one potential (specific) actor is automatically a...
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    last modified by code4dc
  • Tasks are in RESERVED state [Evalution Process]

    Hi All,   I am pretty new jBPM.Have installed jBPM7.7.0. As per the documentation have imported EValution project and deployed it. I am facing couple of issues are 1. Tasks are in RESERVED state. 2.Though I...
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