• Netbeans, JSFUnit & Glassfish 3.0.1 doesn't work

    Hello everybody,   So the problem is pretty simple I have already read all documentation & discussions here and 50% of the stuff realy works. But I need another 50 % too   I have the following proble...
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    last modified by dimarzio
  • JsfUnit testing with Richfaces

    Hi All, I am using Sun Jsf 2.0, Richfaces 4.0, Spring 2.5.x; have setup JsfUnit as a seperate maven project with war overlays. When I deploy this war to the Tomcat server, it runs good. But when run with JsfUnit, I am...
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    last modified by hmashruf
  • Limited to single ajax request?

    Hi! Can we send more then one ajax request? My problem is i have 2 buttons that triggers ajax request and re-render one element of the page (they do not re-render themselves). And in my test code I click 1st button o...
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    created by blabno
  • RichFaces and ajaxQueues

    Hi, After developping quite a few tests on many Richfaces ajax pages, it seems that whenever there is an ajaxQueue in the richfaces tag, the ajax event never gets fired by htmlunit. I have seen this behavior accross...
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    last modified by teknologist
  • Everybody dance now!

    Have you ever experienced problems running JSFUnit on JBoss 4.2.x with Cargo configured to deploy to remote container? It was a bug (CARGO-859) in Cargo, but the bug is no more! Well, it's gone since 1.0.4 (03/Nov/10...
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    last modified by blabno
  • Error while using SerializableDataModel in rich:dataTable

    Hi,   I'm using a custom SerializableDataModel to realize a pagination in a rich:dataTable   The xhtml code:   <rich:dataTable id="udm" value="#{userDataModel}"  code of the bean:   publ...
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    last modified by testvogel
  • Error javascript testing jsf application

    Hi all,   I am trying to test a JSF application, it uses richfaces 3.3.3 and jsfunit 1.3.0 final. When I execute the test I'm getting an exception executing a javascript that is not present in my application. He...
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    last modified by xilosh
  • Does JSFUnit support testing of jsf pages with rich:editor control

    I am trying to test a JSF page with rich:editor controls and facing some internal errors. Please let me know if JSFUnit support testing of rich:editor.   Regards Kiran
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    last modified by kiransri
  • Error while invoking HTMLSelect's getOptionByValue("somestr").setSelected(true)

    Please excuse for the long post. I am trying to resolve this issue unsuccessfully for the past 4 days and any help will be greatly appreciated.   I am testing a JSF page with jsf HTML and richfaces controls (cal...
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    last modified by kiransri
  • Unable to run a simple JSFUnit test

    We are unable to run a simple JSFUnit Test and are seeing the error pasted below while trying to execute a test on a very simple JSF/facelet Page. Please Help ? TIA. TypeError: Cannot find function navigat...
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    last modified by shuklarajesh
  • How to get treeNodeKey @ rich:tree

    Hi,   I wanna use the clickTreeNodeHandle(treeNodeKey, treeNodeId) method but I don't know how to get the treeNodeKey. For example I get a TreeHandle with           ...
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    last modified by testvogel
  • Rolling back transactions

    Hi there,   My goal is to perform integration testing of my application using JsfUnit, which is setup to run the test cases. I will have test cases where the database operations would be performed as a part of t...
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    last modified by hmashruf
  • JSFUnit is not compatible with JBoss 5.0.0.GA?

    Hi all, I run the seam registration jsfunit test on JBoss AS 5.0.0 (JDK 1.5) and failed to deploy the application. Errors are following: ------------------------------------------------------------- Caused by: org.jbo...
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    last modified by alartin
  • How to Run Rich faces example

    hi frnds, i have downloaded jboss-jsfunit-examples-richfaces-1.0-beta-1.war from http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/jsfunit/jboss-jsfunit-examples-richfaces/1.0-beta-1/ and deployed in tomcat and tried ...
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    last modified by pa1_9
  • JsfUnit setup exception

    Hi there,   I have maven application (myapp) setup as multi-module (2 sub-modules as springservices and jsfbeans), as per the instructions in the getting started guide (http://www.jboss.org/jsfunit/gettingstarte...
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    last modified by hmashruf
  • Exception invoking jsxFunction_send Bug in JSFUnit or HtmlUnit???

    Hi,   on a page with a rich:dataTable component i always get an invoking jsxFunction_send exception. Is this a Bug in JSFUnit or HtmlUnit?   stacktrace:     Exception invoking jsxFunction_send===...
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    last modified by testvogel
  • JARs required to be packaged with build

    Hi all,   Just started using JSFUnit. It seems that all required JARs for JSFUnit need to be deployed along with application build. I m not convinced with the idea and unit testing libs should be deployed. What ...
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    last modified by nitingaur
  • throw exception when i use jqplot framework

    hi,i use jsfunit 1.3 to test. in my page i use jqplot framework to plotting,when i test this page throw error as follow:   hi,i use jsfunit 1.3 to test. in my page i use jqplot framework to plotting,when i test...
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    last modified by zhangyy
  • How do I use JSFUnit in these circumstances?

    Hi all,   I'm trying to use JSFUnit without success, and would really like to get it working as it would provide a new layer of testing for me.   Let me describe what I'm doing:   I have a JBoss Seam...
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    last modified by jimd11
  • JSF Unit with webMethods CAF

    I tried using JSF Unit with webMethods' CAF implementations (version 7.1 of CAF is JSF 1.1 and version 8.0 of CAF is JSF 1.2 compliant). Here are my experiences:   1. JSF Unit out-of-the-box doesn't work with we...
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    last modified by andrzej.dmoch