• a question about Multi-level directory

    hi,when i use jsfunit to test,throws the following exception testInitialPage Error null  java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss.jsfunit.framework.FaceletsErrorPageException.isFaceletsErrorPage(FaceletsErrorP...
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    last modified by zhangyy
  • how to test c:foreach

    i tried test jef with jsfunit but there were a few problems when it came to c,could u help me to figure it out?thanks,my jsp was as followed: hi, i tried test jsf with jsfunit but there were a few problems when i...
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    last modified by zhangyy
  • Problem in Parameterizing the JSFUnit Test?

    Hello, I am trying to pass the parametre in the URL for running the JSFUnit test case and retriving the parameter using the following:   JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/index.jsf"); Map<String, Stri...
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    last modified by sandeepnarula
  • a4j:actionparam never set on backbean with client.click

    Hello, I don't know how, when i click on a panelbaritem, the actionparam is never set on the backbean, with manual test all works, but my jsfunit test is certainly bad, here the xhml and jsfunit code Here a part of m...
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    last modified by jadtn
  • jsfunit 1.3 work with jetty5

    hello, i have a question about jsfunit 1.3 work with jetty. i think jsfunit is based on the Cactus and junit, and now Cactus1.8.1 support internal start Jetty5.1.9, then jsfunit support internal start Jetty?   ...
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    last modified by zhangyy
  • rich:pickList select values

    For rich:pickList, Has anyone figured out how to pick values using HtmlUnit API?   Thanks, Dave
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    last modified by javatwo
  • JSFunit 1.3 FileNotFoundException: MANIFEST.MF

    I tried to use jsfunit 1.3.  I created my.war with Ant task. When I run the jsfunitwar task, i got FileNotFoundException   [jsfunitwar] java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\DOCUME~1\administrator\LOCALS~1\Tem...
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    last modified by javatwo
  • FacesContext is null for sharing jsfSession instance

    I tried to use one jsfSession instance for all tests in order to enable web caching of css and javascripts. After the first test, the JSF session is created. For the second test,  facesContext is null.   JS...
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    last modified by javatwo
  • Richfaces CSS error

    We are using JBoss 5.1, Richfaces 3.3.1, JSFUnit 1.3. When we ran jsfunit test,  we got the following warnings on server side console: does CSS version used by Richfaces conflict with JSFunit?  Is there a w...
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    last modified by javatwo
  • i hava a problem in jsfunit

    Hi, i am new to JSFunit and i am having difficulty getting it work.i do the example in the getstarted page.but this always hava some problem. i use eclipse 3.6 and jboss 5.1.  can i only use this two tools to u...
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    last modified by plus
  • HTTP 500 error with JSFUnit with Glassfish 3

    Hi,   I am new to JSFUnit and i am having difficulty getting it to work. I would appreciate some help with this   I have included my war file:   URL = http://localhost:8080/webapps/jsfunit   No...
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    last modified by scounthorpe
  • jsfunitWar task: lib, classes did not work

    I tried to use the jsfunitwar to add test classes to the war.   <jsfunitwar srcfile="build/foo.war"    destfile="build/foo-jsfunit.war">    <TestRunner/>    <lib file...
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    last modified by javatwo
  • More Arquillian and JSFUnit integration

    Hi all,   I've just finished documentation for using injection with Arquillian and JSFUnit.  It's all ready for you to try out!  This greatly simplifies your test code by allowing JSFSession, JSFClient...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • JBoss Portal and JSFUnit

    Hi everybody,   is it possible to use JSFUnit with JBoss Portal?   If not what is the cause of the problem, can somebody give me some tips....   Thx for the answers...
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    last modified by speleomaniac
  • JSFUnit, Arquillian, TestNG, Glassfish random NPE in JSFServerSession

    Hello,   i attached a test-project, this fails on "maven test" an average of 4 tests. It contains one class with 11 Test of whom 2*5 are roughly the same and one test always fails! If you change the order of the...
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    last modified by pizzapill
  • jsfunit integration with maven

    I am trying to test my war app with jsfunit in a maven build. I have followed the instructions on the wiki page about how to use maven but the war does not seem to deploy.   My setup is as follows   1. I h...
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    last modified by dawud
  • JSFUnit with Arquillian example

    Where can we get example of JSFUnit run with Arquillian, but not only test class, but the entire project? It would be great to have Seam, Maven, JSFUnit, Arquillian combo project sample.
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    last modified by blabno
  • JSFUnit issue - EJB not getting injected into servlet being tested

    In my application I have an EntryServlet which loads default data and sets up the security based on the logged in user id. This servlet is using EJB's through dependency injection. It works fine when I execute it as a...
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    last modified by kiransri
  • @Conversational problem

    Hello, We have problems to go to pages which are backed by beans with @conversational annotation. See here http://community.jboss.org/message/568746#568746   I have extended thecode to do an user search:  ...
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    last modified by baz
  • AJaX problems

    Dear friends, I ask for your help, please! I am trying to run a JSFUnit test which works perfectly, but not for AJAX events. In other words, when I click any "h:commandButton" everything goes well, but when I click on...
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    last modified by exosys