• experiencing Timing problems

    Hallo, i do have some problems with my JSFunit script. Here is the snippet: {code} -1-     client1.click("1:contractEdit"); -2-     assertEquals("/fong/contract/contract_ed...
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    last modified by baz
  • deploy ear before testing

    Hello,   out package is packaged using an ear file. I didn't really find some usefull informations on how to solve this.   The integration tests in the webmodule tries to execute before the ear module is ...
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    last modified by dreske01
  • JSFUnit fails to set back value for backing bean List property

    My JSF xhtml page has a radio button <h:selectOneRadio> which connects directly to a first item of the backing bean List property:   <h:selectOneRadio id="coverRequired_0" options="#{jsfHelper.yesNoOptio...
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    last modified by fastregister
  • rich:fileUpload (JSFUNIT-190 progress?)

    Hey Stan,   Out of curiosity have you made any progress on testing rich:fileUpload components yet? I went to write a test (which failed) only to find out you had written one almost exactly the same (which you c...
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    last modified by kragoth
  • Getting Started Doco - issues

    I have been meaning to write something about the doco located http://www.jboss.org/jsfunit/gettingstarted.html   The list of libraries given do not seem to actually be compatable.   The version of cactus t...
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    last modified by kragoth
  • Testing a4j with JSFUnit

      I have 2 selectOneMenu. the second one becomes acrtive and gets <option>s after user select any option from first one. the fulfillment of options is being done by a4j. here is the code:   <h:s...
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    last modified by marti
  • Testing https pages with JSFUnit

    Hi. whenever I try to test any "https" page i face an error. i have xml file that defines which pages should be in https scheme. once i turn it to http the problem is solved. a part of the xml  file : <page ...
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    last modified by marti
  • old page in jsfClientSession

    Hi,   when running a jsfUnit testsuite we are occasionally facing the problem, that some ComponentIDs aren't found in jsfClientSession when trying to set some value or click a button.   After some debuggin...
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    last modified by martinkurz
  • Incompatibility among related classes?

    Dear colleagues, please help me with this problem: I had already put a small JSFUnit test to work, following the instructions in http://labs.jboss.com/jsfunit/gettingstarted.html. I did it in the middle of July/2010, ...
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    last modified by exosys
  • Testing backing beans

    Hi all!   We want to test our backing beans "directly", without calling it through a JSF page. Is that possible?   I haven't found any tutorial about this case.   Perhaps someone has an example. ...
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    last modified by fr4ggle
  • Debugging embedded server interaction

    I am using Arquillian 1.0.0.Alpha4 with Tomcat embedded 6 and JSFUnit 1.3.0.Final.     Arquillian deploys my application to the embedded container, my application starts up and it gets to the test case wher...
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    last modified by trungie
  • JSFUnit and Spring-Security problem

    Hello, we have a JSF web app using spring security for authentication. We wrote a JSFUnit test for testing the authentication. Following the (pretty good) documentation on the website the test looks like: WebClie...
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    last modified by wumbrath
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: FacesContext already releas

    Hi All, I am getting the above exception when I try to execute the following Test Case JSFClientSession client = new JSFClientSession("/faces/logon.jsp"); client.setParameter("userID", "SimMan"); client.setParamet...
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    last modified by prode
  • Websphere 6.0 : FacesContextBridge.getCurrentInstance() rais

    We currently still work with the jtidy-4aug2000r7-dev_fixed version, as the newer version brought troubles with it (nosuchmethod exceptions). In Websphere there was an exception raised due to mismatch of saxparseexce...
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    last modified by thesid
  • NewEntryNotAllowedException happened when accessing Managed Bean property.

    I got this exception when I tried to get the selectionString property of TBean backing bean (its scope is session). My test case looks like this:       public class ScrollableDataTableTest extends Serv...
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    last modified by ruado
  • 500 Internal Server Error

    Hallo Stan, i have followed zour advice and tried to start the test from the brawser, but when i run it i get this error         500 Internal Server Error for http://localhost:8585/Working_with_J...
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    last modified by hugirat
  • JSFUnit with Apache Myfaces Orchestra

    Over the last few days, I have tried to use JSFUnit to test a Orchestra-based web application. It worked fine when I tested pages which only used Conversation Manual Scope Bean. However, things went wrong when I teste...
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    created by ruado
  • Help with JSFUnit flagging errors of duplicate ids with components that share same suffix...

    Hi Everyone,   It seems JSFUnit thinks there are duplicaite ids; if two components share the same suffix. For example component 1 <h:inputText id="password" /> And example component 2 <h:outputText id=...
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    last modified by qdog1028
  • Not a valid response [302 Moved Temporarily]

    I am getting the above error when running my JSFUnit test. My application does indeed send a redirect. Can I get the client to follow it?
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    last modified by panayk
  • JSFUnit with Maven

    After reading wiki article on JSFUnit with Maven, I understand, that I need to have exact copy of original application, am I right? My spring project has lots of faces-config* and applicationContext-* files, that are...
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    last modified by blabno