• Cactus report as PDF

    HI!   I would like to generate the JSFUnit report that is being generated via cactus as PDF.   How can I do it?
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    last modified by dejela
  • JSFUnit support for IceFaces

    Hi guys. I am using IceFaces 1.8.2 in my web application. Just wanted to know if JSFUnit supports IceFaces? If no, is there any other unit test framework available for IceFaces (I know this community is dedicated to J...
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    last modified by vishi999
  • JSFUnit with Spring Security Filter

    I am trying the example of JSF2+tomcat.   When I don't have Spring Security Filter in my web.xml it works fine.     <filter> <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name> <...
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    last modified by dejela
  • StackOverflowException

    Hi! I'm getting StackOverflowException and have no clue where is the problem. Does anybody got the clue?       java.lang.StackOverflowError         at java.lang.Thre...
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    created by blabno
  • JSFUnit with NetBeans

    Hallo ich würde JSFUnit gern in NetBeans nutzen. Beim anlegen klappt ja auch alles schön und gut, aber sobald ich die ant-1.5.4,jar Datei einbinde bekomme ich ständig einen Java VM fehler. Wenn diese al...
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    last modified by neji123
  • JSFUnit with Glassfish 3.0.1 is not working

    Hi,   I'm trying to use JSFUnit, but it's getting me 404 error page   I'm using JSF2.0, Glassfish 3.0.01 and primefaces 2.1   According to what is mentioned in http://community.jboss.org/wiki/UsingJS...
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    last modified by user_00
  • testInitial PageError404 Introuvable

    I m using the JSFUnit tutorial (http://www.mastertheboss.com/en/web-interfaces/215-jsfunit-tutorial.html) and I have this error displayed on Unit Test Results page (http://localhost:8080/JsfUnitTest/ServletTestRunne...
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    last modified by renaudy
  • No such method Error - getResponseBody

    Hi, I am a novice to JSFUnit and I was trying to test very simple xhtml page. I use Facelets - 1.1.15, jsf 1.2., openfaces 2.0, war is build by maven, and running on Bea 9.23. I run my page on http://server:port/OFc...
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    last modified by shony
  • JSFUnit 1.3.0.Final is out!!

    See my blog for details:   http://jsfunit.blogspot.com/   Stan
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    created by ssilvert
  • what kinde of knowledge i need to have to get JSFUnit working as a newbie to ant and jsfUnit

    i have red all the Guide but untell now i have no successe. does i need to know cactus or Cargo to get JSFUnit to work? i think the the guide assumes some knowledge in ant and the build process, it would be helpful ...
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    last modified by hugirat
  • JSF unit with juit 4

    Hi!   In my Junit test I want to delete the data only after the test is finished.   In order to do that I saw I could use the @after annotation in the tearDown method:     @Override @After prot...
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    last modified by devora
  • Empty session for new test

    Hi!   In my jsfUnit I have a few tests I run. I see that from test to test the session resets, and all its values are deleted.   That's the way it should be? Is there a way the save the session from tes...
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    last modified by devora
  • test rich:tree click

    hello, i've two trees in my page. one is for profiles and the other one for views. if i select a profile than the view tree is rerendered. <body> <richfaces:panel id="searchTreePanelId" styleClass="leftB...
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    last modified by hiroorih
  • exception while running JSFUnit Test

    Dear i have the following exception   com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ScriptException: Exception invoking jsxFunction_setTimeout at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.JavaScriptEngine$HtmlUnitContextAction.ru...
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    last modified by sward
  • Setting up JSFUnit with Maven, Spring Security, Tomcat --- ClassNotFound: ProjectStage

    Hey folks!   I currently try to set up my environment with JSFUnit and it seems not to be that difficult. But when I wanted to start my first Test I get the following exception: tomcat console:   SCHWERWI...
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    last modified by mrface
  • JSFUnit Spring Security Problem

    Hi,   I'd like to test my secure pages with JSFUnit :   My Testclass:   public class BasicAuthenticationTest extends ServletTestCase {        public static Test suite()  &...
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    last modified by easyrider
  • blogpost on "How to test an EAR based JSF application using JSFUnit"

    Hi all,   we published our latest post about JSFUnit:   "How to test an EAR based JSF application using JSFUnit"   http://tinyurl.com/JsfUnit   What do you think about this?     Th...
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    last modified by michaelschuetz
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    I'm having a problem getting JSFUnit running in WebLogic 10.3.   I have JSFUnit and I'm trying to access it via a URL and I'm getting an error:     Error 500--Internal Server Error java.la...
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    last modified by plasmoid
  • Problem with JSFUnit and CodeCover

    Hi all,   I'm pretty new to JSFUnit und the other Java stuff so I apologize if this is a stupid question. I made a few tries with JSFUnit and it all worked fine. I created a little test project with a small tes...
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    last modified by neji123
  • Trouble getting JSFUnit tests working

    Hello, I am very new to JSFUnit but am having difficulty getting a simple test case to run. I have had various errors and been able to overcome these (with the help of this forum). The last error I got was related t...
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    last modified by stiley