• SAVARA identifies service repository usage requirements

    The SAVARA project has specified a draft of a "Testable Architecture Methodology" at: http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/TestableArchitectureMethodology This methodology identifies several requirements for a servic...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • BPAF: Possible base event data model for SAMM

    This might seem out of context for most of you, however in a recent discussion with Gary we were talking about a base model for activity monitoring in a larger context. Here's something I stumbled upon which we might ...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Governance process support in Service Repository

    I started this thread to discuss the requirements to support a standard and / or user defined governance process within service repository. For example, we have defined such a process within GPS, consisting of the fol...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Revised use case for creating and governing JBOSS ESB based

    Hi, posted below is a revised use case for creating and governing JBOSS ESB based web service (EBWS). What I have to confess is that I do not have a lot experiences on using JBOSS products to develop real projects in ...
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    last modified by jervisliu
  • SOA Repository (A prototype release) is available for review

    Hi Everyone, A prototype release of SOA Repository is now available for review. You can download it from svn: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/guvnor/trunk/web/preview. A step by step guide on what you can do with this...
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    last modified by jervisliu
  • JBOSS ESB use cases

    Potentially SOA Repository can handle many different type of artifacts or services. But lets start from the most basic one: how SOA Repository can help us to manage JBOSS ESB services. 1) Search for existing service ...
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    last modified by jervisliu
  • Repository Structure

    Does the repository structure proposed below look alright? Services: - serviceA - serviceB ... Question: under the Services node, are we going to have another layer of structures? like JBOSSESB, Web Services or any ...
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    last modified by jervisliu
  • Service publishing and activation schedule

    A esb user posted the feature request in ESB jiras: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBESB-2285 I think the following things are useful for SOA repostory : * Scheduled publising/unpublishing of wenbservices withou...
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    last modified by jim.ma
  • Overlord Process Governance (CDL) 1.0-M2 has been released.

    The Overlord Process Governance (CDL) Team are pleased to announce the availability for version 1.0.M2 of the Overlord Process Governance (CDL) component. The two main changes in this release are (1) the addition of ...
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    created by objectiser
  • Guvnor's identity mgmt and security proposal

    Hi All, I've just written up a proposal about Guvnor's identity and security at http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-13404. I think maybe it is better that I call it requirement thoughts? ;-) Please let me know w...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • extracting gwt app plugability out of guvnor

    afaict, guvnor combines a GWT app pluggability mechanism and the business view upon an aggregated repository. if this is correct... would it be possible to extract the GWT app pluggability out of guvnor as something...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • Service versioning clarification

    From a governance perspective, is it fair to assume that if a new version of a service is being deployed along side an existing version of the same service, but with different (enhanced) behaviour, that it will be dep...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Service validators and redelivery

    The current Service Validator mechanism uses a global filter to observe messages being passed between ESB service descriptors. If the endpoint associated with the message has a Service Validator configured, then the S...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Complexity of conversation aware notation

    The "conversation aware" mechanism currently is aimed at delivering two capabilities: (a) a design time capability to be able to ensure that the behaviour specified in the implementation of a service (as defined in a...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Representing paths triggered by non-observable events

      You will probably notice some empty service descriptors - these are placeholders for actions resulting from exiting the loop (i.e. the loop associated with sending the request for quote to multiple suppliers). ...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Do we want/need a concurrency construct in the stateless con

    In the stateful conversational ESB actions, there is a ParallelAction construct that enables concurrent paths to be specified and enacted at runtime. This also enables the concurrent behaviour in the service to be che...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • SOA Best Practices Guide

    We've been working on a SOA Best Practices guide. Take a look, especially if you're looking at the Process Governance work.
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    created by marklittle
  • Guvnor project layout

    I propose the following layout: 1: guvnor-repository: Guvnor SOA artifact repository (JCR back end) with AtomPub and WebDAV interfaces. 2: guvnor-web: The AJAX/GWT web interface to the SOA artifact repository. Essen...
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    last modified by michaelneale
  • BPEL deployment framework

    With the current "conversational ESB actions" generation mechanism, the user is presented with a 'Generate' menu item which shows a dialog enabling them to optionally select one or more participants from the choreogra...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Guvnor - the repository current state of the union

    Jervis and Michael have been busy discussing and sketching things in the wiki: http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9834 and atom pub here: http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12836 (a first cut implementation...
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    last modified by michaelneale