• Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance

    Anybody knows how to integrate multiple JVM?s with single JBoss instance on a single physical machine. I want to deploy the application in multiple JVM?s to handle concurrent request and the concurrency issue of the ...
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    last modified by ajrathi
  • Deploying Sun new Pet Store to JBoss442GA ?

    Hi, is it possible to deploy succesfully that new reference Pet Store version with AJAX-stuff, mashups, etc to my just installed JBoss 4.4.2.GA ? I've just started with JBoss.. Thanks for comments, Kai.Lahteenmaki@wel...
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    created by kailah
  • Executing Native Commands

    Hi, We are using some Stateless session beans to execute some native commands. ( through Runtime.getRuntime().exec() ). But i feel we're raping the EJB spec in every possible way with doing this. The commands we're ...
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    created by jgeraert
  • Design for heavy processing

    Hi all experts. I'm about to design a "price-finder" application that read prices from a website. I have about 10 000 URLs to products in a database right now. Some URLs needs to be read every 5 minutes, others ever...
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    created by yoggi2k5
  • New Job

    Team Leader ? Cambridge Excellent opportunity for a team leader to supervise a team of engineers and guide them from a technical perspective to design, implement and maintain Client ? Server based configuration and mo...
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    created by goldgroup
  • Sharing a Connection between EJB's

    For example: I have 2 stateless EJBs: EJB1 and EJB2 and EJB1.xxx() calls EJB2.yyy(). How can I share the same connection between these 2 EJB's without using Transactions and without using Entities? The problem is tha...
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    created by rong999
  • JBoss4.0.5 and EJB3 does any patch needed???

    Hi, people! I'm new to JBoss and i wonder if i need to install any patch for JBoss 4.0.5 to use EJB3.0 on it? Thanks in advance
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    created by ladyann
  • Ajax4jsf command or property to change the color of listbox

    Hi Am using rich faces in my code ....<h:selectOneMenu> i want to change the foreground color of that dropdown list. Please help me out....
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    created by parimala
  • Concurent creating problem

    I'm programming a system where people can submit "tasks" for evaluating. When a person submit a task, the request go into a JMS queue, and later on a MDB is processing the task. Task is an entity. If there is no tas...
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    last modified by johnmm1997
  • DAO and Entity Beans

    I am using a DAO Insert and trying to load the Remote Entity bean for the record which is just created under a single transaction as below public MyEntity createSomeInfoMethod() { MyEntityHome entityHome = lookUp("M...
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    last modified by anandnatraj
  • EJB3 business logic in entity beans as opposed to in session

    I am currently working a migration of our system to EJB for several reasons, mainly to be able to use clustering to achieve higher performance and availability. Now, our current system is very service oriented (throu...
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    created by kent.narling
  • Deploying a simple HelloWorld EJB3 under JBoss

    I would like to deploy a simple EJB3 HelloWorld example as described in MasteringEJB 4th ed. I'm always getting the error javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: org.os.ejb3.Hello not bound. Could anyone explain the ste...
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    last modified by balde
  • Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance

    Anybody knows how to integrate multiple JVM?s with single JBoss instance on a single physical machine. I want to deploy the application in multiple JVM?s to handle concurrent request and the concurrency issue of the ...
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    created by ajrathi
  • any pointers on how to automate ear versioning?

    We have an EAR that consists of 3 eclipse projects. I would like to know if anyone has tried to "derive" some sort of version number for every build that can be applied to the ear. Eclipse versions their IDE in an in...
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    created by jsimone
  • Integrating services

    I have one aplication (.ear) who use two services. Now I´m developing other aplication and I want to use the services of the first aplication that I developed. Wich the best way to develop this new aplication an...
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    created by jflf83
  • issue with java.lang.reflect.Proxy

    Hello, I really dont know whats wrong i am getting this exception,any help will be greatly appreciated: run.client: [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException [java] at $Pro...
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    created by alfia_09
  • <s:selectDate> in Portlet for="startDate" object is not an i

    Trying to use modify the registery portle example by adding <h:inputText id="startDate" value="{insurabilityRequest.startDate}" style="width:100"> <s:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"/> </h:inputT...
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    last modified by isabelle.mathieu
  • Creation of userdefind portlet container

    Hi All, I could able to run a simple "HelloWorldPortlet" portlet example shown in http://www.caucho.com/resin-3.0/portlet/tutorial/basic.xtp I first copied the "HelloWorldPortlet.zip" in the JBOSS_HOME\server\default...
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    created by chandanmohanty
  • Sharing data between web tier and ejb tier

    I'm wandering if this design is a legal J2ee design: When I know that the WEB Tier and the Ejb Tier are going to shre the same classloader I can use a Singelton to pass data from the Web Tier to the Ejb Tier through t...
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    created by asafz
  • Exception handling in Bulk calls

    Hello, I am using JBoss 4.0.05GA and JBossWS 1.0.3. I have created a Web Service and I am exposing various methods at the client-end. I have provided custimozed SOAP API Exception to be thrown at the client-end in t...
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    last modified by kapil.singhal