• how to provide security in javaprojects on web because in ti

    Hi, This is vishnu.I have some problem with security providing in my webproject(using java). Actually my problem is in server down time how to secure my webproject. And myproject is build by JSPs,Servlets and some jav...
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    created by vishnudhy
  • how to provide security in javaprojects on web because in ti

    Hi, This is vishnu.I have some problem with security providing in my webproject(using java). Actually my problem is in server down time how to secure my webproject. And myproject is build by JSPs,Servlets and some jav...
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    created by vishnudhy
  • how to provide security in javaprojects on web because in ti

    Hi, This is vishnu.I have some problem with security providing in my webproject(using java). Actually my problem is in server down time how to secure my webproject. And myproject is build by JSPs,Servlets and some ja...
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    created by vishnudhy
  • Identity API for NonAS projects

    I have taken a look at the Seam Identity API and need to have a look at the portal identity API yet. I have fair idea of how the API will look like. One area that I need to focus on is the representation of roles and...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • Tomcat GenericPrincipal and JBossGenericPrincipal

    http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk/tomcat/src/main/org/jboss/web/tomcat/security/JBossGenericPrincipal.java Our Tomcat layer uses JBossGenericPrincipal to basically tie in some additional semantics like cal...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • SRP and SASL

    As I've stated before, I intend for JBoss Remoting 3 to utilize SASL for authentication, with SRP as its default mechanism. So pursuant to that, yesterday I put together a simple SRP SASL client & server provider....
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • CachePolicy in JaasSecurityManagerService

    Scott, do you remember the reason behind the CachePolicy injection into security managers happening via JNDI (java:/timedCachePolicy)? Why not just a property taking a FQN of the cache policy implementation?
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Authentication and role mapping on more than two Db tables

    Hi all, I'm trying to implement a customized impelentation of LoginModule similar to the DatabaseServerLoginModule in JBoss AS 4.2.1 GA. It must be based on 5 tables in order to add users to groups and associate a ro...
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    created by lition
  • SSO / Identity Connector decoupling?

    Newby question. I'm interested in the concepts promoted by the JBOSSSSO project. However, it seems to me that you have to build your own Identity Connector inside the jbosssso.sar directory in order to allow your-pre...
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    created by g.tomassoni
  • Design of an Identity Management Framework for JBoss

    I have seen a few proposals/articles on bridging SAML and J2EE and see that a majority of them are delving into the implementation details ie. to use JAAS/JACC to achieve SAML in J2EE (or JBoss). Clearly many of the ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Security Integration in JBAS5

    I want to jot down the current effort at integrating security into AS5. At the container level (web/ejb), I am injecting 3 things via the deployers: a) ISecurityManagement instance - this is just a interface to obtai...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Can JBoss stop web crawlers?

    Hi JBoss forum, I have a (stupid) question about JBoss security: I have a web portal hosted on JBoss and only authenticated users can login and access the data they need. Can JBoss's security mechanism stop the acces...
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    created by tao_dl
  • jboss sso

    hi sohil, is there any link provided for jboss operation network for sso like we have it for some tools like adventnet appmanager which is : http://hostname:port/jsp/SingleSignOn.jsp?username=<login_username>&...
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    created by sushhma.pandey
  • Cluster Aware Cache Policy for the Jaas Security Manager

    Some one mentioned about an issue with clustering and usage of Kerberos tickets. When a cluster node fails over to a new machine, a request coming in with a username and a kerberos ticket goes through the jaas framewo...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • TimedCachedPolicy never removes entries from cache

    I have been performance testing JBoss (3.0.2) by making many client calls from houndreds of different users. I noticed that the Authentication cache (JaasSecurityManager$DomainInfo objects) just increased. Old users w...
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    last modified by frebe73
  • Security Configuration for JBoss 5

    With the future changes for trust, JASPI, audit etc being made into the security configuration, I am contemplating if it is the right time to adopt JAXB2 for JBoss5 security configuration.
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • SASL Authentication

    Hi, Over at http://www.buni.org we need to implement SASL authentication for our IMAP support. We need it to integrate with the JBoss implementation of JAAS. Therefore I have placed a patch for SASL Authentication in...
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • Security 2.0.0.GA released

    I have released v2.0.0.GA for JBoss Security. You can get the artifacts from the downloads page of the JBoss Security page http://labs.jboss.com/jbosssecurity/ There is a integration guide for JEMS projects as well a...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • Security Client SPI

    There has been usage of SecurityAssociation directly in the client code by users as well as JEMS projects. We really need to be getting a Client SPI from the security project. The SPI should include things like passa...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • SecurityAssociation no loger valid in remote client

    My test clients have code like this InitialContext iniCtx = getInitialContext(); OrganizationHome home = (OrganizationHome)iniCtx.lookup("ejb/RoleSecuredSLSB"); OrganizationRemote bean = null; try { bean = h...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler