WebJASPIOptionalAuthenticator, spec compliant?I "discovered" the valve WebJASPIOptionalAuthenticator in the JBoss AS (7.1.1, 7.1.3) source code. It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but judging from the code and from trying out it appears to do authenticati...
Thread JASPIC module not invoked after request#login
JASPIC module not invoked after request#loginI've installed a JASPIC (JASPI/JSR 196) SAM (login module) in JBoss EAP 6.01. It works and is invoked whenever a protected resource is accessed. However, when I call HttpServletRequest#login it's NOT invoked, ...
Security Requirements DocumentThis document will collect the requirements for security for the various JBoss Community projects in one place. Projects Providing RequirementsJBoss Application Server Aerogear JBoss Developer Framework/JBossWay RESTE...
JASPI ServerAuthModuleI've a self written JASPI ServerAuthModule, which works great in Glassfish. Now I had to switch to AS 7. I have not found any resources how to configure a JASPI ServerAuthModule in AS 7?! I put my jar in a AS...
DatabaseCertLoginModule can't find securityDomainI've configured a security-domain in subsystem domain:security:1.1 mycertdomain which is displayed in the server profile page under Security/Security Domains. When I reference that securityDomain in a login-module/mo...
Primer on Web Security in JBoss ASThis article is a one stop resource for web security in JBoss Application Server. Even though the configuration may change between major versions of JBoss Application Server, the features should be available sta...
PicketBox Development Chat TranscriptAnil and Pedro.
(08:36:43 AM) asaldhan: psilva: discuss status of each project. we then can do checkpoints
(08:36:53 AM) asaldhan: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SECURITY/SecurityProjectsArchitec...
Security Context PropagationDiscussion related to https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SECURITY/Java+Application+Security When there is a need to propagate security context, the following usecases come into my mind: a) Thread level sec...
Authentication API Design<<< Go Back to Security Requirements Document This article will talk about the various design elements involved in an authentication api. Goals to consider:Non-protocol based mechanisms where t...
Identity Management Model Requirements<<< Go Back to Security Requirements. Identity Model involves the representation of User, Attributes, Roles, Groups etc. These are stored in a data store such as DB or LDAP. Requirements Requir...
Thread Get something started with XACML - Requirements Discussion
Get something started with XACML - Requirements DiscussionHello all, I have recently begun participating in this project and I noticed that the discussion on XACML has been fairly quiet, so I thought I would kick off some discussions to see what the interest level is, see ...
Challenge/Response enabled Authentication FrameworkWondering if SASL is the perfect candidate for a challenge/response enabled authentication framework with multiple authentication mechanism support. Wikipedia entry on SASL. Apart from a challenge/resp...
Negotiation protocol broke?I detected a problem with the implementation of the Kerberos login module for JBoss AS 6. It seem's that the negotiation protocol isn't fully implemented. If there are multiple alternatives it stops after the first ...