• Metadata with RoleDescriptor?

    Configuring a Service Provider with a metadata xml provided by the external IdP, I got an error upon deployment stating Parser: Unknown Start Element: RoleDescriptor Using PicketLink 2.1.8.FINAL.   The error m...
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    last modified by advommen
  • JPA and Token Store together

    Hello,   I am developing an application, which consists of two separate WAR modules. One is a pure html5 web app and the second one is rest API. I want the API to be completely stateless and protect it with toke...
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    last modified by backslash47
  • How to change signature method from rsa-sha1 to rsa-sha256 ?

    Hi all, In our picketlink IDP instance , the SAML authentication request or response xml is configured to use sha1 algorithm for signature. The signature info in SAML xml content looks like below : <dsig:SignedI...
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    last modified by wester
  • SP Attribute Refresh

    I am using SP picketlink 2.6.1 to provide authentication and authorization to a tomcat7 web application.  The application is receiving SAML from an OpenAM based identity provider.  At initial authentication,...
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    last modified by kirkm
  • Store selection on login

    I am experiencing a problem when using two diferent stores.   I have a JPA store and LDAP store, however, when I try to start the application looks like the picketlink try to create users in LDAP ...   I ...
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    last modified by arthurgregorio
  • SP Signature Validation Error

    I'm new to Picketlink and SAML, so this may be a bit of a noob question. I've set up an SP on JBoss that uses Microsoft ADFS as the IDP, following the example found here: http://jianmingli.com/wp/?p=8956   I hav...
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    last modified by jspangler
  • What should I do with SAMLArt next?

    Hi,   I am trying to deal with sample application 'picketlink-federation-saml-sp-redirect-basic'. I deployed and ran the app, then I got redirected to IdP SSO page (OpenAM). After I got logged in IdP and redirec...
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    last modified by quvad
  • Use PicketLink in Spring

    Hi,   Is it possible to use PicketLink with Spring?
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    last modified by muppet_tizer
  • What means "Deprecate PicketLink Federation subsystem"?

    The GitHub commit for WildFly master https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/commit/5f641991b29b96e39846b868c2e69257574d4acb has this title. I'm wondering about the consequences resp. alternatives. Are there any comments o...
  • Picketlink not redirecting after succesfull authentication from IDP to SP

    Hi,   We are upgrading to wildfly 8.2.0 in our project from JBoss AS 7 (picketlink 2.1.4), and are using picketlink for authentication. I tried to get going with the picketlink-federation-saml-idp-basic and pick...
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    last modified by pawjanssen
  • Commercial support

    Sorry if this is not the right place to post this but we are looking at converting our SSO environment to PicketLink.  Is anyone aware of a company or consultant that is able to work with us and provide ongoing s...
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    created by bbazian
  • Arquillian Testing and JWS Token

    Hello,   for testing purposes I would like to associate one user with a static JWS token. The class "Tokenprovider" from the quickstart uses   builder.id(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).rsa256(privateKey).i...
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    last modified by jimmy001
  • Failed to configure web application as service provider using picketlink

    I am trying to establish SAML 2.0 federation between a custom web application acting as service provider and netiq identity server acting as identity provider. The web application is build in jsp and deployed in jboss...
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    last modified by joydeepg
  • picketlink BaseAuthenticator with SecurityConfigurationBuilder restoreOriginalRequest()

    We are using picketlink for authentication and authorization and decided to update to a newer version (2.7.0). Up until now we used a custom filter to protect a folder “/pages/*” and a custom authenticatio...
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    last modified by tsobis
  • IDP Sending wrong SAML Token Version

    I was following some of the quickstarts for picketlink federation and noticed that when I do IDP initiated SSO to my SP, the token is version 1.1 even though I am specifiying the parameter SAML_VERSION=2.0 in the requ...
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    last modified by jdonofrio
  • PicketLink vs Java EE Security API in Java EE 8

    Java EE 8 will provide "Java EE Security API 1.0". The JSR is at https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=375 Will PicketLink address this new upcoming JSR?
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Help in use of PicketLink with CDI, JSF 2 and JPA.

    I'm trying to use PicketLink and I need to implement a authorization system where permission is individual, so each user can access specific pages and specific functions, eg .: User A -> Customer page (Read, Create...
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    last modified by claudinei
  • PIcketLink 2.7 DatabaseServerLoginModule and Wildfly

    Hello all   I started to work with the PicketLink and I have a question. Is it possible to get the password salt via DatabaseServerLoginModule or this is not the best way to get it ?   Part of configuratio...
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    last modified by franco80
  • Can i do authentication using ldap + digest?

    Hi. Can i do authentication using ldap + digest? If no, prompt another way. I need to implement authentication using ldap and send password not in plain text. Thanks.
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    created by v2adam
  • Exception : Ambiguous dependencies for DefaultLoginCredentials ?

    I am still not able to follow the Facebook social login example in my project. I am using it in a Errai (GWT) project, and I am currently getting an exception saying "Bean name is ambiguous. Name loginCredentials reso...
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    created by chaluwa