• change bpms datasource connection

    Greetings, How do you change the jBPM data source connection from the BPMS schema owner to a user with only the minimal privileges necessary to perform CRUD (DML) database operations? Seems like if I create the datab...
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    last modified by awrigh08
  • BPM Suite and LDAP connection

    I'm testing several BPM tools for my company and one requirement is the LDAP connection to retrieve users. This is a key point for making a decision, even business process modeling tools must be secured and provide a ...
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    last modified by johanf1
  • Rest Task Error

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3.GA.   I am trying to create a process where I added a Rest Task to call Jboss BPMS own REST Api. here is my rest uri ... http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/history/process...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar