• WorkManagers in EAP 6.4

    I have defined several work managers in JBOSS 6.4 through the Admin Console.  I keep getting a naming exception when I try to Enable the application.  I cant find any reason for this to be the case as I foll...
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    last modified by peternikolatos
  • Error initializing endpoint: java.net.BindException: Address already in use

    Hi there,   I'm exploring how to migrate a product from Jboss 5 to Jboss 7 (and ultimately on to the latest vision of Wildfly)   After my migration I'm getting ERROR [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol]...
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    last modified by transferim
  • EAP 6.4 - way to see the date/time an application was deployed via the web console?

    Running EAP 6.4 in standalone mode, using the web console to deploy applications instead of the deployment folder.  Is there a way to see the last date/time an application was deployed, or at least the date/time ...
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    last modified by rayh
  • JMS appender config for log4j2 with in-vm connector

    Running app on EPA 7 with log4j2.  We have an appender that writes to a JMS queue. I got it working for remote connection as below:       <JMS name="HIFAuditAppender"     ...
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    last modified by lamikam2
  • nofile (max no. of open Files) configuration for JBoss in Linux

    Hi,   I am new to linux, facing some issues with no of open file channels in an enterprise application running in jboss eap 6.2 . Currently to increase the maximum limit, nofile configuration is set in limits.con...
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    last modified by rafting
  • JBOSS EAP 6.3

    I am trying to create a core bridge between two different clusters. Lets call them cluster A and B.   I want the bridge to be able to discover the nodes in B automatically and not have a hard-coded list of serve...
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    last modified by whelanp
  • WorkManager in Jboss EAP 7

    Hi All ,   I have added the the custom Work Manager name called com/xxx/workmanager in JCA subsystem of Jboss EAP 7 and below are the my configurations to get the work manager in my application   jboss-web...
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    last modified by sureshshine2020
  • JBoss removes JAR files when deploying EAR file

    I recently migrated from JBoss EAR 6.4.0 to 7.0.0. In my deployments folder, I have an EAR containing numerous JAR files of my project. When I unpack the file after building, all files are there as desired. They are a...
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    last modified by aqtwrdnr
  • log4j2 jms appender config

    I am running log4l2 2.8 with eap 7.0.0.  Trying to setup the JMS appender.  I know this is not correct.  Trying to use in-vm connection, and not sure what to set the providerURL and context factory to.&...
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    created by lamikam2
  • JMQ Queue and Connection Factory creation

    Hi,   I am new to JBoss and want to create JMS Queue and Connection factory so i can use these configuration settings in Mule ESB or other ESB tools. Could you please help me with any documents or share some lin...
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    last modified by vikasabkumar
  • Problem with accessing Spring NamespaceHandler inside EAR file due to class loading issue.

    Hi,   it is my first post here so please be lenient if possible   We migrate from EAP 6.1 to EAP 6.4 and have a strange issue regarding Spring startup. Our EAR structure is as follows dev_production.ear ├...
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    last modified by ksiczek
  • Windup report InitialContext lookup

    Hi there,   I'm going to through the mandatory incidents of my Windup report migrating from Jboss 5 to Jboss 7.   So before I made  any changes to our Java scripts I ran the windup tool and it obvious...
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    last modified by benboss
  • How to use Message-Driven-Bean module together with a war-application sharing the spring application context

    Hello,   I have difficulties migrating to JBoss EAP 7.0.0.   Theres a EJB-module containing three message driven beans. Theres a war-module containing the web app doing all the stuff. Both are packed int...
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    last modified by kaspatoo
  • JBOSS-EAP 6.4 : com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: CONFIGURATION FAILED! null

    I am trying to deploy a web application I have used in Jboss-4.0.3 to Jboss EAP 6.4.   I face the below error while starting the server:   11:30:59,936 SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.co...
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    last modified by nipuni880917
  • SAML Service Provider on EAP 7.0

    Hi all-   I am trying to use EAP 7.0 as a SAML Service Provider, have it "mostly" configured but am having problems at the last step when the application I've deployed as the SP is throwing a 403. I'm having tro...
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    last modified by richard.sand
  • jboss 6.2.4 EAP custom global module lifecycle

    Hi,   I am in the process of developing a custom global module for Jboss 6.2.4 EAP. Using the examples provided in Jboss documentation and looking at the Tomcat custom valve examples, I am creating a valve by ex...
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    last modified by phaniskotharu1
  • How to create a new ROLE in Jboss EAP?

            I want to setup Basic authentication on JBoss EAP 7, and assign my users to a common role. This does not seem possible. I see where I can create a group, and assign users to a group, but t...
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    last modified by lamikam2
  • How to configure Infinispan for PicketLink?

    Hi,   We are trying to implement SSO with using picketlink in JBoss EAP 7.0.3.GA . We have configured following security-domain: <security-domain name="idp">   <authentication>   <log...
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    last modified by simotuokko
  • Http 404 error after migration (The requested resouce is not available)

    First of all I'd like to thank anyone that as assisted me on previous questions.   I've managed to seeming get my application deployed and the datasources seem configured correctly both are now showing as enable...
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    last modified by benboss
  • How to change a value of a attribute with CLI?

    Hello guys!   I'm using JBoss 6.4 and I'm told to always use CLI to change any configuration in the standalone.xml. I must admit that I just can not get the hang of how to navigate inside the xml with CLI. ...
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    last modified by fredand44