• Migrate from Jetty to JBoss EAP 6.4

    Hi everyone, At my company we use jetty, all configuration is in files pom.xml and jetty.xml(datasource), Now we want to migrate from jetty to jboss eap 6.4. Is it possible?  When a new employee joins our team,...
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    last modified by kkamil7
  • Jboss EAP Remote EJB invoke transaction

    Hi all , in my company we are using Wildfly 8 , 10 and we are migrating to EAP7 using technologies EJB, JPA, WS, Activemq etc.   In this moment we are developing a couple of apps, but i have a particular problem...
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    last modified by erwin.etchart
  • JBoss EAP 6.4 Alpha does not listed any more in Download Section

    I need a community version of JBoss EAP 6.4. As I read, Alpha binary is made available for free (both for development and production use) to the entire community. I checked following page at 2 weeks ago. And I see , ...
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    last modified by deryaaltuntas
  • How to configure data-sources, persistence-units, and EntityManager for per-client database architecture

    In our infrastructure, each of our clients have a their own copy of our primary application database. Thus far, we have configured this setup in jboss by having an entry for each of those databases as a separate data-...
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    created by dkelkhoff
  • Issue with JMS in clustering servers

    Recently we have upgraded our application from Jboss 6.1 to 6.4. But we are getting JMS exception while starting the server.   10:00:10,526 INFO  [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 111) PCEServer.JMSMon...
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    last modified by manmayeesenapati
  • WAR Model Deployment

    because one war module can dependence another war module. My project has 10 war package, there is a dependency between them. This way of packing, whether to recommend?
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    last modified by slieer
  • JBPM6.1 login issues

    Hi All,   Infra: jboss-bpmsuite-6.1.0.GA-installer, Jboss EAP 6.4, jdk1.7.   I'm newbie in JBPM world, want to explore the functionality and its benefits to my organization. Everything went smooth. Applic...
  • When does JBoss destroy stateless ejb instances?

    Hi, if i'am right, in my case the instances of stateless ejb's are created during phases of high load, until reaching max-pool-size. It seems that these instances stay in bean pool forerver, even if they are not use...
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    last modified by henrikdeluxe
  • JBoss dump file with prepared statement

    Hi,   for couple of days we are seeing that JBoss EAP is generating the dump file in the server, as per latest dump file analysis we found that out of total 7 GB size of dump file, 5.2 GB was for prepared statem...
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    last modified by pandyajayn
  • JBWEB000236: Servlet.service() for servlet sample threw exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

    we have 2 JBOSS 6.4 servers, both has same configuration, same application, and same load the only difference is memory configuration  (standalone.conf)   server1:   JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4303m -Xmx4303m -...
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    last modified by shijazi
  • How to detect a live and backup server in Jboss eap 6.4 at the application level?

    Hi,   I have a application which is deployed on Jboss EAP 6.4 cluster. There's a portion of code which needs to run on the live server only. Is there a way to detect whether the current server is live or not? &#...
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    last modified by mamuni.nayak
  • Connection refuled after restart Database server

    Hi,   My application on EAP can not connect to database server after restart database service. But my application working again after restart Jboss service. Please help suggest me for how to investigate this i...
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    last modified by jongchai
  • Intermittent connection error - Connection timed out - mysql

    Hi,      We are using mysql(5.1.73), jBoss EAP 6.2 and Java. Application works fine in Development without error, but in production, we get below error. Say around 5-10% of connections are failing...
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    last modified by harsha.g
  • Rotating the console.log file within JBoss EAP 6

    Hello   Environment: JBoss EAP 6.0.1.GA Red Hat 6.5 Standalone and domain installations   Issue: I can not rotate the file console.log without restarting JBoss.   Detail: I am using JBoss EAP 6.0.1.G...
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    last modified by s2budd
  • Jboss EAP 7 : JsafeJCE provider self-integrity check failed

    We have an ear, the JsafeJCE and Jsafe jar are in the lib of the ear.   java.lang.SecurityException: JsafeJCE provider self-integrity check failed   at com.rsa.jsafe.provider.JsafeJCE.<init>(Unknown...
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    last modified by taofengjboss
  • is that possible to config IBM MQ 6.0 client with Jboss EAP 6.4 ?

    we are currently migrating our application from weblogic to jboss EAP. The application sends and receives message from IBM MQ 6.0.      I check online and find all of the documents about Jboss...
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    last modified by taofengjboss
  • how to resolve JBOSS EAP 6.3.3 oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection ???

    oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection   at oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor(ArrayDescriptor.java:105) [ojdbc6.jar:]   at oracle.sql.ArrayDescr...
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    last modified by princeanurag2011
  • Error invoking timeout for timer because incorrect component shutdown report

    Hi all,   I am facing a very strange error and I don't have any clue why it was caused. Thing is I have a task that is scheduled to be executed every minute:   @Schedule(second= "0", minute = "*", hour = "...
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    last modified by andres.delpino
  • PeakInUseCount in jdbc on jboss-eap-6.1 , ¿it's possible?

    Hello,     I think the same way JMX publish the peak thread count (jmx: java.lang:type=Threading,PeakThreadCount ) could be usefull jmx publish the same metric but for each JDBC connection pool ( joss.as:s...
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    last modified by marc.cortinas
  • JBWEB000235: Allocate exception for servlet Main: java.lang.NullPointerException: charsetName

    I'm new to JBOSS EAP 6.0   I've successfully deployed EAR on JBOSS but getting below error when hitting http://server_name:8080/sso/main in browser:   04:33:35,229 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.Container...
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    last modified by abhi415