• Error: .CREATE is missing [jboss.security.security-domain.jboss-ejb-policy] with EAP 6.4

    Hello,   We are migrating our community JBoss 7.1.1 EJB application to EAP 6.4.  We saw deployment errors for all our @Stateless beans and Timer beans.  After searching around and I added @PermitAll bu...
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    last modified by paul.p.han
  • SPNEGO and EAP 6.4

    I am trying to set up SPNEGO on EAP 6.4 and am seeing something in my logs that I think is weird.  Why is my principal look like it is encrypted?   08:56:33,167 TRACE [org.jboss.security.negotiation.common....
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    last modified by tmcginnis
  • Looking for some property in JBOSS similar to Weblogic (-Dweblogic.alternateTypesDirectory)

    Hi,   We are migrating from Weblogic to JBoss and there are some java standalone programs which are executed by passing some values to java.         java cp test.java -Dweblogic.alterna...
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    last modified by sridhar.rao.muslay
  • Where is class javax.security.auth.Subject?

    Hi there, We migrated an application from WAS to JBOSS. when running the application within jboss-eap-6.4, it displays the following exception:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/security/auth/Subject  ...
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    last modified by ttian
  • Prefered way to "disable" role-based security

    Hi all   My apps use role-based security with a custom UsernamePasswordLoginModule and HTTPS/BASIC auth.  Everything works fine.  Now one of my customers is requesting remove completely the security fo...
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    last modified by roko98
  • JBPM6.1 login issues

    Hi All,   Infra: jboss-bpmsuite-6.1.0.GA-installer, Jboss EAP 6.4, jdk1.7.   I'm newbie in JBPM world, want to explore the functionality and its benefits to my organization. Everything went smooth. Applic...
  • Jaspic ServerAuthModule delegating to JAAS Krb5LoginModule

    I have to write a custom Jaspic ServerAuthModule (which needs to add a proprietary Authentication Cookie to the HTTP Response AND HTTP Request to be propagated to the applications running on the App Server). The Authe...
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    last modified by hoelter
  • SSL Certificate Import and configuration for JBoss

    Hello,   I am fairly new to the JBoss configuration and I have been asked to import a certificate into the JBoss App server. Based on what I have read around on the forums I think I did what was necessary but we...
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    last modified by bhagat.ali
  • JBOSS-EAP 6.4.0 alpha version alslo affected by CVE-2015-0254?

    The following security issue is addressed with this release:   It was found that the Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL) allowed the processing of untrusted XML documents to utilize external entity references, wh...
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    last modified by cora.kwok
  • JBOSS-EAP 6.3/6.4 SSL subsystem have send to client “internal error” message if used CA certificates

    We are using personal client based certificate authority for server access. I have 619 entries in trust store. SSL subsystem have fail when tried to load keys from database: 18:09:31,939 INFO  [stdout] (http-/10...
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    last modified by ilyas.mishin
  • JBoss messaging client with jndi is failing after initial ssl handshake

    Hello Colleagues,   I created standalone jms client to connect to JBoss eap 6.4 with tlsv1.2. The connection with java 7 and 8 is successful. Now i imported the code in our application for development purposes i...
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    last modified by tihomir91
  • JBoss eap 6.4 how to enable sslv2/3

    Hello Colleagues,   I am using JBoss eap 6.4 and my standalone jms client is sending sslv2 hello message and it is rejected by the server. I am able to run the client with higher java, but it is requirement for ...
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    last modified by tihomir91
  • How to add additional properties on authorising? (ejb, jaas)

    to param options LoginModel::initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Map<String,?> sharedState, Map<String,?> options) Creating custom org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientConfiguration an...
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    created by shkiper
  • Jboss EAP 7 : JsafeJCE provider self-integrity check failed

    We have an ear, the JsafeJCE and Jsafe jar are in the lib of the ear.   java.lang.SecurityException: JsafeJCE provider self-integrity check failed   at com.rsa.jsafe.provider.JsafeJCE.<init>(Unknown...
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    last modified by taofengjboss
  • JBoss eap 6.4 (mutual)two way ssl configuration

    How I can create the keystore and truststore files, which are storead in $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration? How I can create the certificate for my webbrowser? How I can create the truststore file to use with a j...
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    created by peter_jaxy
  • JBoss eap 6.4 mutual (two way) ssl configuration

    What I have to do to configure mutual (two way) ssl in JBoss eap 6.4?
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  • JBWEB000235: Allocate exception for servlet Main: java.lang.NullPointerException: charsetName

    I'm new to JBOSS EAP 6.0   I've successfully deployed EAR on JBOSS but getting below error when hitting http://server_name:8080/sso/main in browser:   04:33:35,229 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.Container...
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    last modified by abhi415
  • Filtering Clients by Source

         On jBoss 6.2 EAP, I deploy 2 applications / war files. I would like one of them to be accessible only from a specific IP address. I found for an earlier jBoss release I could configure applica...
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    last modified by pstamatakos
  • JBoss EAP 6.4 Session ID

    I am using JBoss EAP 6.4. I have few questions w.r.t how JBoss create/manage/tracks session ID. Please find below my questions?   1. Does JBoss generates unique Session ID for each session? 2. Does JBoss recogn...
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    created by mayurl
  • JBoss EAP 6.4.0 integration with LDAP - how to pass user password to LDAP

    Hello, dears.   Thank you for reading my question. In my JBoss EAP 6.4.0 I have successfully setup LDAP-connection to MS Active Directory (port 636, ldaps) for http-management. LDAP-authentication works fine;&...
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    last modified by tkulibaev