• need to conigure JAMon in wildFly8.1.0 Final

    We have recently moved to jboss 7 and then to wildFly 8.1.0 Final. Since then we are noticing our application is suddenly hanging, each time it hangs we need to restart the jboss then it works fine. But this is occurr...
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    created by kbabu
  • how does ha partition work?

    done this... then what? Load Balancers pointed to Apache, Apache http1 pointed to JBoss AS1, http2 pointed to AS2, etc. AS1 log show only 1 node, same with AS2. Where can I see clustering?   On node1, to launch ...
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    created by aabhp
  • Help needed - Unable to deploy on wildfly 8.1.0.Final

    Hi All,   Firstly, I hope that I am posting in the correct section of the forum.   I need urgent help with an error i have while trying to deploy my project on Wildfly and since I am a total newbie to jbos...
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    created by koganm
  • Classloader for jars inside JBoss 5.1.0GA lib/endorsed

    I have any application under Jboss 5.1.0GA that uses JDK 1.6. Apparently deploying web services in this case is not that easy I had to copy some libs from /client folder to the lib/endrosed folder to resolve some NoCl...
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    created by petivagyoken
  • Upgrading jbossweb version

    Hi,     I have jboss as version 5.1.0GA which has jbossweb version 2.1.13. I want to upgrade the jbossweb version to 2.1.16, how should I do it?
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    created by assi_pawar
  • javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Producer is closed

    Hello,   We upgrade our jboss from 4.2.3 to Jboss 6.1.0 Final version, when starting the process, at the begining,  the hornetq JMS worked perfectly, but after some time, we got the following exception and ...
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    created by ericxiaomingzhao
  • SSL Certificate Configuration on JBoss AS 7.1.1 Final

    I have acquired a Signed Certificate from COMODO. There are 4 CRT files. 1 domain, 2 intermediate and 1 root certificate. i have concatenated CRTs into a PEM file and also imported them in CACerts , Trusted Certificat...
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    last modified by mshafieluru
  • Jsessionid generation from JbossEAP4.3.0 to JbossEAP 5.1.2

    Hi All,     Our client using 4 nodes cluster, and having a round-robin Load-balance in front of them. we found 1)When open a link with in a new tab, the LB would point to another node, not understand why, ...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • Jboss AS 7.1 with spring mvc java config jsp file not rendering

    I have created an project using maven and spring mvc using java config. The application is running but when i request the page, the jsp page is shown as it is(not compiled to html).   The code is as below,  ...
  • root context path for jboss

    How to configure jboss AS so that my application started at http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ ? My jboss 7.1.1.Final AS runs only 1 application.   I changed the web.xml to be <context-param> <param-name>co...
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    last modified by samwun9988
  • Jboss Web log output in browser window

    Guys, how can i turn off debug and trace output in browser window in Jboss Web (Jboss AS 7.1.1)? thx! Example:
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    created by scroodj
  • java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method

    ERROR [org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction] (default task-41) Dispatch[/submitActivityForm] to method 'showDetails' returned an exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException   at sun.reflect.Native...
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    created by gaurav1216
  • jboss 6 deployment

    while deploying jboss 6 it is giving error please help me how to solve this issue   14:18:24,560 INFO  [JMXKernel] Legacy JMX core initialized 14:18:44,091 INFO  [AbstractServerConfig] JBoss Web Servi...
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    last modified by guna89
  • JBoss Crashing with SSL

    HI Gurus,   My server is running with Windows Server 2008 R2 and with JBoss6.x.  Initially JBoss was working fine but when SSL certificate is implemented, JBoss is crashing. Please share your expert opinio...
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    last modified by imtiaza
  • Error when stopping jboss service,

    Hi all,   I am Hoping someone can shed some light on what is going on in my server. When I start the jboss service, named workflow in my app, the service shows as starting, then when I check the status it shows...
  • Why i am getting this exception in when migrating from jboss4.2.3 to wildfly8.1:--    Caused by: org.hibernate.DuplicateMappingException: Duplicate class/entity mapping com.tzaconsulting.ptw.employee.common.po.WorkcellEmployee

    2014-07-31 11:49:15,266 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 50) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.persistenceunit."ptw-ear-1.ear/ptw-war-1.war#PTW": org.jboss.msc.service.StartExcep...
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    created by gaurav1216
  • JBoss 5.0.1 GA with problem of EL 2.2

    I have a web application which was developed under tomcat 7, and we use some EL expression of version 2.2. However, when we changed this under JBoss 5.0.1GA, it doesn't work. The code was like this, using EL 2.2: $...
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    created by suntao19830709
  • I have issue with jboss...the application is getting undeployed automatically.

    it's a Windows  2008 standard R2 64 bit. The jboss version is jdk-6u43-windows-x64   and in bin directory the configuration of run.bat is run.bat         ...
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    created by pragyag
  • Upgrade from JBoss 4.2.2 GA to JBoss 6

    Hi,   Our application is using JBoss 4.2.2. GA. We need to migrate this to JBoss 6/7. I would like to know about general steps to do this. Please share your thoughts.   Thanks!
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    created by valsaraj007
  • Posting Shutdown Request to the server...

    Hi All,   My Jboss 6.1.0 server shutting down on it's own. Please review the attached log and suggest the reason for this behavior. I am using JDK 1.6 (OS: Windows 64 bit). Thanks   Looking forward to your...
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    last modified by mirzaabdulhccpu