• Calendar issue inside a extendedDataTable

    Hi, I was wondering if that problem was solved in any version (I currently use the 3.3.4) ?   The calendar is behind the table on its last lines ! Thanks
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    last modified by manaman2
  • rich calendar as organizer richfaces4

    We are migrating our application from richfaces 3 to 4 and realized that the "data" support has been removed from calendarmodelitem . That being said, I am not able to display the events corresponding to each day in&#...
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    created by mythilisanthanam
  • rich:calendar organizer in richfaces4

    Hello,   I need help for migrate rich:calendar from richfaces 3.3 to richfaces 4.5.15.Final.   I couldn't see the option to display the organizer details on the date. I can see example in richface3.3 in th...
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    last modified by seamlearner
  • rich:editor how to remove the <p>

    Hi, I'm using  richfaces 3.3.1, I dont want that every enter will create a new paragraph. (<p>)   how can I cancel this default behaviour?
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    last modified by asafz
  • label of groupingColumn in an extendedDataTable

    Hi, I use a groupingColumn in my table and my problem is : if I don't put a label on my column, i still have the character ":" at the beginning of the line. Can i just remove it ??   Thanks
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    last modified by manaman2
  • rich:column and expand / collapse

    Hi, I use an extendedeDataTable and the attribute "groupingColum" which refers a column of the table. I want all the lines to be collapsed when the page is loaded (by default, all the lines are expanded!). I can't f...
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    last modified by manaman2
  • No support for <rich:columns> in RF 4.0.0 CR1?

    Hi   I've got a problem when I try to use the tag <rich:columns> in RF 4.0.0 CR1 the renderer returns the message "<rich:columns> Tag Library supports namespace: http://richfaces.org/rich, but no tag...
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    last modified by ahoehn
  • RF 4.5.13 default images are not loading,could not load the image error?

    Hello,   Why this below error is occurring.?? RF is not loading the default images from richfaces resource section. None of the images are loaded.All are showing the same error. Image:
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • a4j:commandbutton oncomplete not closing the popuppanel in 4.5.16.Final?

    Hi,   In my page i have Export as Excel link at the outside datatable. <a4j:commandLink value="Export as Excel"         rendered="#{reporting.selectedTab.equals('shortIdSe...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • How to increase the size of rich:calendar

    I would like to increase the size of the rich:calendar. Not sure which style attribute is supporting that.   I am using richfaces 4.5.15.Final version. This is not pop up calendar. Code for the rich:calendar, &#...
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    last modified by seamlearner
  • rich:fileUpload is not working in rich:popUpPanel

    I am migrating richfaces3.x to richfaces 4, and I am using richfaces 4.5.15.Final version, JSF 2.1.28, Jboss EAP 6.3.0.   When I have tried to upload a file in rich:popUpPanel, I am getting the following error, ...
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    last modified by seamlearner
  • rich:autocomplete cleaning the inputbox

    Hello guys,   I've just migrated from Richfaces 3.3.3 to 4.3.7 and I'm struggling with the autocomplete component as i need to clean the input text after the execution of a ajax call, but it never gets cleaned, ...
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    last modified by gobii
  • How to highlight dates oncaledar onload instead of onclick

    Hello Guys I have a calendar which is working fine. it displays records on click and changes the colour to green or red. if records are available date will become red colored. I don't want onclick I want it displa...
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    last modified by asimshaikh1
  • Always getting ViewExpiredException when we open page in new Window

    Hi,   Recently we upgraded from Richfaces 3.3.3 to 4.5.11. I have a scenario where I need to show a page in new Window when command link clicks. This functionality works fine in RF 3, but now, I am getting javax...
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    last modified by vpenugo
  • Errors while running RichFaces showcase tests

    I am using jboss-wfk-2.7.0-richfaces-demo.zip. I am able to deploy it on EAP 6.3.2 and access the URL. However, not all tests are passing.   The error seen at the end of the test cases is: Tests in error: ...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • RichFaces Photoalbums tests being skipped because profile does not exist

    Hi,   I am using jboss-wfk-2.7.0-richfaces-demo.zip and I have observed that the tests on richfaces-photoalbum are not getting executing.   The output is like: $mvn test -Parquillian-jbossas-remote Down...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • Simple page with rich:fileUpload not getting rest of the form fields data

    Hi   I'm using RichFaces 4.1 and I'm trying to create a simple facelet page with a rich:fileUpload field. When I reach the formUploadListener method I don't get any of the data that is in the form. Any ideas? &#...
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    last modified by nestorjb
  • rich:inplaceSelect disable some options

    Hello, I have <rich:column> <rich:inplaceSelect value="#{service.parent.id}" layout="block" viewClass="inplace" openOnEdit="true"> <f:selectItems value="#{GestioneServiziBean.list}" /> </r...
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    last modified by iimirela
  • facing trouble with rich:dataScroller page attribute

      Hello team,   I am using JSF 2.2.8 and Richfaces 4.5.16.Final (earlier I tried 4.5.13.Final).   I am facing issue with <rich:dataScroller> "page" attribute. I want to update data scrolle...
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    last modified by aniketmurtarkar
  • <a4j:commandbutton> not working in richfaces 4.5 and JSF 2.0 and SEAM 2.3

        <a4j:commandbutton> not working in richfaces 4.5 and JSF 2.0 and SEAM 2.3 , it looks somewhat disabled. <h:commandbutton> works with same action . Please let me know if you have any idea...
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    last modified by jondcontact