• RichFaces Component Requirement/Development Meetings This Week

    Hi All,   This week we are going to have two component development meetings.   The first one is on the tree component and will be lead by Nick.  This will be Wed at 10:00am EST.   The second one...
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    created by jbalunas
  • Jira tasks for new components creation and migration

    This document outlines the requirements for jira when creating a new component, or migrating a 3.3.X component to 4.0.  This is part of a larger process outlined here: RichFaces 4.0 Component Development Process ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • inputNumber components migration

    Overview This document will describe the migration of inputNumberSlider and inputNumberSpinner components. information from 3.3.x:   references: http://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/latest_3_3_X/en/devguide/html/ri...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • rich:jQuery in 4.x

    Overal description:  The tag designed to provide possibility to perform simple jquerry api calls in declarative manner. E.g. in order to add zebra-style to the table you could use nex declarative definition ins...
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    last modified by newacct
  • JSF Ajax points for discussion with EG

    JSF server-side AJAX code problems/requests for features  Partial view context interoperability   Partial view context is a new entity in JSF 2.0 serving the purposes of controlling AJAX view processing/re...
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    last modified by jbalunas
  • RichFaces 4.0 Markups And Skinning: Semantic Markup Structure Restrictions

    This article is a part of RichFaces 4.0 Markups And Skinning discussion OverviewThere are components where we need to change layouts because now  theirs layouts are complicated and/or  haven't some functiona...
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    last modified by jbalunas
  • Prioritized list of RichFaces components implementation in 4.x

    The document goal is to provide our roadmap information while moving components set to new RichFaces 4.x version.   Pay attention to next points: Implementation version will be defined for the components which ...
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    last modified by jbalunas
  • switchable panels: one more mode to make them works using GET out-of-the-box

        Guys, today I recieved our common question about JSF and bookmarkability http://community.jboss.org/message/554395#554395. And that pointed me to thought - could we add such feature to component to ...
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    created by ilya_shaikovsky
  • lists iteration components

    Oveview From the beggining - proposed to go with list iteration component instead of multiple ones. The HTML lists looks very similar except being encoded by different HTML tags. All the other functionality like data ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces 4.x panels

    Common part http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/richfaces/root/ui-sandbox/panels/trunk/docs/panels taglib - UML diagram for all switchable panels. All the components attributes was revised and unified for switchable panels...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • event attributes naming convention

    1) attributes pairs for cancelable events and events fired after some operation   in 3.3.x we had two types of names: modal panel - onshow and onbeforeshow calendar - ondateselect and ondateselected   So...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces Data Iteration Components (DataTables)

    Base a4j:repeat component We should keep the component as base for all data iteration ones. It will allow the customer to use our common features  for iteration components and implement their own ones with free m...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • a4j:queue in 4.x

    The goal of this document is to describe queue mechanism and related tags in RichFaces 4.x.   Overview  As JSF2 provides single queue instance which always turned on, RichFaces queue planned to be implement...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • rich:editor component

    Overview  The editor component (“editor” or “the component” in the text below) will provide possibility to use tinyMCE editor widget as JSF component. It also should implement missed tineM...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • Design of RichFaces <a4j:queue/>

    Overview RichFaces team is going to develop a new component that will take ajax event queues to the next level.  This wiki page will contain the  design and usability details of the component. Here the curre...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • Layout components for RichFaces 3.3.1

        The scriptless approach with using CSS and semantic layout based on the Yahoo UI CSS grid is offered for RichFaces 3.3.1: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/grids/   CSS Grid presumes two parts: ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces 4.0 Component Related Topics

    This is part of a larger set of pages - RichFaces 4.0 Release Center   This document will be a store for some high level thoughts on components changes during moval. Please do not edit this document to promote t...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces Application Migration from 3.3.X to 4.0.X

    The main goal is to make migration from RichFaces 3.3.X to 4.0.X as easy for developers as possible.  Direct swap-in upgrades will not be possible do to the extreme changes brought on by JSF 2.0, and updates to R...
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    last modified by jbalunas