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Poll The chart component - data iteration style
The chart component - data iteration styleThe chart component offers "data iteration" way of data input. More information about the chart component can be found here or dev forum. Please vote for the style you prefere.
RichFaces 4 module distribution for JBoss 7Lukas recently has asked a request at JIRA to include RichFaces 4 as a module for JBoss 7, which i think that it is a cool feature, JBoss AS 7 shipped with CDI(Weld),JPA 2(hibernate), JSF 2 and RichFaces 4 (and of cou...
RichFaces Sandbox Showcase designPaul Dijou has put together 4 different proposals for the design of our RichFaces Sandbox Showcase. Review the propsals at: http://pauldijou.github.com/richfaces-sandbox-website/, by clicking on each of the butt...