• howto add vaadin 7 to seam 2 application

    dear community,   I am using seam 2.2 for our library administration application running on jboss 4.2.3. Everything works well, but now i would like to add vaadin 7 as a replacement for our old JSF based Web UI...
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    last modified by malcomtom
  • Seam 2.3 and Tomcat 7

    I'm trying to migrate from Seam 2.2.2 to Seam 2.3. But I can't find any articles in docs related to Tomcat 7. Is it possible to use Tomcat 7 or JBossweb 2.x to run Seam 2.3 application?   My configuration is: S...
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    last modified by gregtk
  • core:resource-loader issue with multiple components.xml

    I have several modules(jars) in my project, each modules/jars has it's own resources bundles, so I tried to define         <core:resource-loader>     ...
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    last modified by wangliyu
  • Long running conversation does not disconnect from session

    We are migrating an application from Seam 2.1 to 2.3.1, using JPA2 and JSF 2.1, JDK 7, upgrading Hibernate to 4.1.6, Richfaces to 4.3.3, targeting tomcat 7  (only POJO Seam components). Application runs fine so f...
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    last modified by fuhrmannp
  • Concurrent call to conversation in seam 2.3.1 when using httpd, mod_jk, ajp

    Hi,   We are getting  a Concurrent call to conversation on a particular page when using the ajp connector with httpd and mod_jk.  This error doesn't occur when using the jboss http connector.  So ...
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    last modified by dozer247
  • Nested Conversation End + Redirect

    I'm having an issue which nested conversations. I'm using the breadcrumb stragety from the docs and Dan Allen's Seam in Action to provide some navigation. From the home page the Ican click on List Organizations whic...
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    last modified by clerum
  • Seam 2.3.1 : styleClass and style attributes missing in <s:label> ui component ?

    Hi all, moving a Seam 2.2 project to Seam 2.3.1 with Richfaces 4.3.3 I noticed that all the occurrences of style and styleClass attibutes in a <s:label > are flagged as errors in my Netbeans IDE. Looking in th...
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    last modified by lucabur
  • Seam 2.3.1.Final on WildFly 8.0.0.Final-929

    I've been trying to move a live Seam App from JBoss 6.1.0 Final to WildFly 8.0.0, with no success.   I have now created the basic Seam App using Seam Gen from 2.3.1.Final.   When I deploy the EAR and enabl...
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    last modified by notify
  • Migration Seam 2.3.1 / JBoss 7.1.1 -> WildFly 8 / Weld / DeltaSpike / ... Practicable, at this time?

    Hello everybody, we have a Seam 2.3.1 application running on JBoss AS 7.1.1 using the following features and components:   In-/Outjection (of course) Long-Running Conversations (also nested) Quartz 1.6.5 (for...
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    last modified by flopsi
  • Asynchronous Mail with attachments

    I'm trying to send an asychronous email with Seam and am running into problems when I try to use the attachment feature. I am generating a PDF using iText and creating a byte array.  I put the array into the ev...
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    last modified by mattdavies
  • can a bean managed session bean call a container managed bean in seam 2.3.1

    Hi,   We are in the process of migrating our seam 2.2 app to seam 2.3.1 to run on JBoss AS7.   We have a bean managed stateful session bean(BMT) that calls a container managed stateless bean(CMT) by using ...
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    last modified by dozer247
  • What Java standars does Seam 2.2 implement? Java EE 5, 6 o 7?

    I’m working with Jboss 5.1 GA and Seam 2.2. While running apps in jre6 (compiled using jdk 1.6) no problems. But now I need to compile apps using Java 1.7 standars, so I need full compatibility from Seam and Jbo...
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    last modified by mccoy
  • Seam 2.3.1 on Glassfish 4

    Is it possible to run seam 2.3.1 applications on Glassfish 4?   I tried to deploy our application and it appears to deploy but when I navigate to a page I get javax.faces.view.facelets.TagAttributeException: /W...
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    last modified by cyberoblivion
  • Seam - Uploading excel and display using rich datatable

    Hi,   We have a requirement to upload single excel spreadsheet into existing seam CRUD application.   Use case : a) User will select file (s:fileupload or rich file upload) from UI and upload excel spread...
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    last modified by valatharv
  • Seam 2.3 PDF issue

    We are converting a seam 2.1.1 app to Seam 2.3 and are having an issue with PDF generation.   On our page we have a cell defined as such:      <p:cell horizontalAlignment="right"> &...
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    last modified by javacoryd
  • Seam 2.3.1.Final released!

    After 2.3.1.CR1 release in June, we closed the journey to 2.3.1.Final release yesterday.   There is no so many differences between CR1 and this Final release, look at release notes   Mostly documentation i...
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    last modified by manarh
  • Seam 2.3 inline PDF generation....

    We are migrating our Seam app from Seam 2.1.1 GA to Seam 2.3 Final and are having an issue with PDF generation.   We embed our PDFs inside our HTML documents and I'm having trouble doing so in Seam 2.3.  Wh...
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    last modified by javacoryd
  • Seam Login - flawed logic or do I need to extend Credentials?

    Ok, so I have a page that has the following fields. Username, Password, and a checkbox for accepting the terms and conditions. The problem I have is this. (And maybe a side effect of not using a password in dev mode b...
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    last modified by kragoth
  • RF 3.3.1 - javax.faces.FacesException: Error decode resource data

    Greetings,   I'm using RF 3.3.1 SP3. The reason I'm using this release and not a more recent one is that this is the release which comes with Seam 2.2.6 EAP5.   I will try to explain my problem. I a webapp...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Seam 2.3 itext pdf problem

    In a seam-gen generated Seam 2.3 application we get following stack trace when we try to get a pdf document: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/jboss/seam/pdf/ui/UIDocument, method: createWriterForStream signature: ...
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    last modified by marabacioglu