• How to exclude a class from an included package

    Hi,   i was wondering if it is possible to remove a java class from a previously added package. I need to replace a class for my tests. I use shrinkWrap with Arquillian and my scenario is:      &...
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    last modified by hanseichelpilz
  • Workaround for corrupted MavenDependencyResolver

    Does anyone know a workaround for the corrupted MavenDependencyResolver in https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKWRAP-295 ? I switched to an absolute file path. Perhaps there is a more elegant way.
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • ShrinkWrap in OSGi container not working

    I'm trying to use shrinkwrap as a OSGi bundle, basically to create and deploy bundles in a JUnit test case running inside geronimo 3 container.   When I created bundles out of spi, impl and api.jar for ShrinkWra...
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    created by susmit_shukla
  • https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKWRAP-275

    Is there any coarse estimation when https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKWRAP-275 (classified as "critical") will be fixed?
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • maven, hibernate, junit and CreateProcess error=87

    did anybody meet this before? it looks so simple but i just can not get rid of it:   the simplest junit: @Test public void findOne() { Assert.assertNotNull("aaa"); }   the almost simplest POM: ...
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    last modified by chaiyilin
  • Handy tool for creating various deployment descriptors?

    Hello   We are jumping into the nice arquillian and shrinkwrap world. I am wondering if there is a program around that allows to create ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml and other deployment descriptors with specific conte...
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    last modified by befield
  • Manifest locations for web archives

    Thread to further discuss the proposed solution for SHRINKWRAP-266, please see JIRA issue for previous discussions.   Maybe it would be sufficent to only add a couple of more web container specific methods to ad...
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    last modified by tommysdk
  • How to obtain an archive from a maven repo?

    I want to obtain the JAR for DbUnit from the maven repository. So far I'm using the solution below. Is it the recommended usage or is there another recommendation on using the new API of Alpha 12?   GenericArchi...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Error creating WebArchive

    Hi,   I am using JSFUnit 2.0.0 + Arquillian to test jsf 2.0 + primefaces application. I am facing issues creating WebArchive. Following is my code to create WebArchive:     WebArchive war = ShrinkWr...
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    last modified by ask4saif
  • Automatic creation of MANIFEST.MF

    Just an idea popped in my head.   Wouldn't it be useful if ShrinkWrap creates "default" MANIFEST.MF if user didn't call setManifest method or better said if there is not file called MANIFEST.MF ?   By defa...
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    last modified by pskopek
  • how to set the path in webarchive?

    I'm trying to call an app. in my test, therefore I need to set the path in my webarchive. now when i run the test in remote glassfish ( it runs of another machine ) I get the local app. called.   best Reagrds Y...
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    created by hugirat
  • how to add a file to my archive?

    hi all, i need to add an app to my test archive it is a html2pdf converter, is there a way to that? i want to test a webservice that convert html pages to pdf.   Best regards Yahya
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    last modified by hugirat
  • Using ShrinkWrap with Arquillian

    After playing with Arquillian and shrinkwrap for a short while I wanted to mention a few issues that have come up so far,   At least as far as Arquillian goes, is the idea to just dump all classes into the test ...
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    last modified by andygibson
  • Manipulation of exploded archives.

    Hi guys,   For thet Seam Sidekick project (scaffolding for seam&javaEE) we are looking in to manipulating project files in a typesafe way, much like shrinkwrap does when manipulating archives.   Is the...
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    created by lincolnthree
  • TAR Library Name

    In introducing TAR support to ShrinkWrap we're forking a library and need to assign it a good project name.  Vote it up.   http://www.doodle.com/g4zt32eyr5ph3hyn   S, ALR
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    created by alrubinger
  • JavaArchive to VirtualFile

    Is there a way to transform a JavaArchive to a VirtualFile in-memory (i.e. without going to /tmp)   Currently I do this      private void validateBundleArchive(Archive<?> archive) throws Exc...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • Archives class not in the API anymore

    The class org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archives has been removed from the API and code samples in http://community.jboss.org/wiki/shrinkwrap are still using it. I would suggest change to latest API (1.0.0-alpha-10) and u...
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    last modified by pskopek
  • Java 5 support?

    I just tried to use Shrinkwrap 1.0.0-alpha-5 within a Java 5 project without success. It seems that the release is build with Java 6. Is Java 6 really a requirement? Couldn't Shrinkwrap not be build with target level ...
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    last modified by hardy.ferentschik
  • Add a directory resource to the JavaArchive

    I am using the http://docs.jboss.org/shrinkwrap/1.0.0-alpha-3/api/org/jboss/shrinkwrap/api/container/ResourceContainer.html#addResource(java.io.File,%20java.lang.String) API to add a directory (containing files, sub-d...
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    last modified by jaikiran