• 1.5 integration candidate

    Max, Koen.. here is our officical integration candidate for 1.5 final. (Sorry for the lack of notification email, I'm trying to to find a MTA for windows so java.mail works without extra config!) http://download.jbos...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • jBPM Designer shouldn't be building jBPM from source every t

    After debugging through the build log last night I realized that jBPM Designer is pulling down jBPM for every build and building it from scratch... wouldn't it be easier / faster to just depend on binaries either in t...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • Updated build system documentation

    Hey guys... after countless hours of trying to make sourceforge work last night with our newest integration candidate for JBossIDE 1.5, I decided to update the releng documentation to docbook, as well as release a dev...
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    created by mculpepper
  • 23. December Meeting Notes

    Here are the topics we talked about today. We were missing Marshall, but Koen and Max were there. Hibernate Tools (max) - fixed the outstanding bugs - writing documentation / cleaning up jira - waiting for info from...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • CacheIDE M1 Version Update Site

    Hi; There are some prerequire plugins to run cache plugins; these are - emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.1.1 - GEF-SDK-3.1.1 - JEM-SDK- - wtp-0.7.1 Marshall could we applicable to create this M1 version update site? If...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • 20 December Meeting Notes

    Here are the topics we talked about today: 1) Tasks needed to be done for JBossIDE 1.5 Final a) Core - latest jsp editor issue (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-263) Marshall will look into it. - Others ...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • JBossIDE New Extension Wishlists

    Currently (in JBossIDE 1.5 Preview) we have good representation from the AppServer, EJB3, Hibernate, AOP, and jBPM projects. In moving forward, We would like to get a kind of "wishlist" from the leaders of all projec...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • JBossIDE WTP 1.0 upgrade

    Max, Koen.. I wanted to go ahead and start the process of figuring out how to upgrade our dependencies to WTP 1.0 (against the latest milesetone). It might be prudent to create seperate branches of our code so our ni...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • launch problems HELP

    I have been trying to just lauch JBOSS in Eclipse and I cant even get that working. I got JDK 1.4.2 Eclipse 3.0 RC3 (Tried 3.0M8 and M9 too) JBOSS 3.2.5 JBOSS IDE 1.2.4 Steps i took: 1) Show the Default Server Icons...
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    last modified by dmsy
  • Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

    I have eclipse 3.1(the last version) and JBossIDE 1.5 M1 instaled on my pc and I have a problem when I try to create a new JBoss project. The error message is: The selectted Wizard cotld not be started. Rason: org....
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    last modified by jpla2005
  • EJB3 Based on IDE tutorial 1.4.1

    Hello My question is whether I can develop a EJB3 Application with persisting entities, by following the sample in the JBoss IDE 1.4.1 Tutorial (Fibo)? If so, then I wish to know: - what differences there will be rel...
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    last modified by alvarommz
  • adding manifest.mf

    today i tried running jbosside from inside eclipse 3.1, but got a few issues with it. Firstly the aop plugin were pointing to a 3.0 eclipse runtime.jar - is that intentional ? It cannot run from eclipse 3.1 without m...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • JBIDE-220 ?

    Looking at http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-220 i saw that marshall mentions jsp editing now should work via the WTP editors. But in the code it looks like the JBoss JSP Editor is activated - any idea ?
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Upgrading jbosside to WTP

    Hi, We need to find the best upgrade path for JBossIDE WTP dependencies. Anyone that knows about possible issues please post here. I for one has one and that is that the WTP SSE model has moved their internal apis ...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Eclipse JBoss applicattion debuggin problems

    Hi I´m working with JBoss 321 and eclipse 3.0 in windows 2000, I am trying to debug an application starting Jboss in debug mode from eclipse and I always get the next error: FATAL ERROR in native method: No tra...
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    last modified by canoma
  • JBOss-IDE-Tutorial 1.4 problem

    The index html file has an error on the first line saying there is a white space missing before the System uri, anybody know what the cause and resolution to this problem.All the other file seem to be fine Thanks
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    last modified by ddubz
  • How do you extend from an Eclipse plug-in?

    Currently, I am developing a text editor for Eclipse. I would like to extend from the Java Text Editor in Eclipse so that I could have syntax highlight my own language. What should I do? Or, is there another way to d...
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    last modified by smhuang
  • red mark over web.xml

    Hi following is the web.xml I am creating a new project in a jboss eclipse IDE .BUT there is RED MARK OVER web.xml (due to this red mark on whole project.)after creation of project.In view error mark is on second lin...
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    created by somsahi
  • VerifyError

    I am getting the following exception when I tried to invoke a remote webservice using WSIF client. ERROR [Engine] StandardWrapperValve[invoker]: Servlet.service() for servlet invoker threw exception java.lang.VerifyE...
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    created by laks2422
  • about JBossIDE-1.5M2-Bundle+EJB3-win32

    nearly I loaded down JBossIDE-1.5M2-Bundle+EJB3-win32,but the relative guide files is a little,above all in ejb-hibernate-eclipse development. anybody knows where I can get these files ?
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    created by wuchuanzi