Moving this Community Space This community space is becoming read-only by 2020-03-03. Please join us on Google Groups for Q&A and discussions. You can also use Stack Overflow for Q&A if you'd like. Please use the wildfly tag res... WildFly Elytron - Blog Posts The WildFly 11 release includes a new security framework WildFly Elytron, a number of blog posts are being written by a number of engineers so this article is to try and collect references to them in one location. ... Reproducing illegal-access warning with a minimalist app to support debug Large scale JEE framework Telve Java EE Framework ... Web application working only with Internet explorer with HTPPS We have web application working fine with Jboss EAP 7.1 without ssl setting, but working only with SSL(HTPPS) setting in Internet explorer. Not working in Firefox, chrome browsers. If we cleaned all Firefox browser c... Migrating Hibernate ORM 5.1 native applications to WildFly 14+ with Hibernate bytecode transformer Introduction Migration help How are application classfiles transformed List of bytecode transformations that are performed Please give us feedback on problems Additional tips for troubleshooting wi... Getting started with WildFly Elytron Overview of the projects WildFly Elytron WildFly Core WildFly WildFly Proposals Blog posts Documentation Quickstarts Elytron examples Elytron JavaDoc User forums Getting you... Hardening Guidelines for WildFly The old JBoss used to have hardening guidelines. We are evaluating WildFly and need similar guidelines? Is there anything official or unofficial along these lines? Sending WildFly logs to Kafka Steps to configure WildFly / EAP to send the logs using JBoss Logmanager and Log4j to Kafka: 1. Add Kafka client module: $ cat <<EOF > $JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/apache/kafka/clients/... The future of the management console We're currently working on the next major version of HAL. will include all features of the current management console plus many new features such as macro recording, topology overview, better keyboard support... Unable to find JGroups backend implementation class: Hello, After finally trying to upgrade our Wildfly 10 Server to Wildfly 15 I get the following error when trying to deploy an application. It seems that from wildfly 12 on the hibernate jgroups depency is some... Custom log handler to filter Exception logs JBoss log manager currently doesn't support filtering logs on the basis of Exceptions thrown. Currently it's not possible to use a regex filter as the stack trace is not used in when testing for matches. So only... JBOSS 6.3 : java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBWEB000212: Session already invalidated We are using JBOSS 6.3 EAP and its throwing below error some times. But after restarting JBOSS Applcation server couple of times, it will get work fine. Kindly help us on this and how to resolve t... How to Use Out of Process ActiveMQ with WildFly This document explains how to use an out of process ActiveMQ to send and receive JMS messages inside WildFly Application Server. Start standalone ActiveMQ This documentation assumes that ActiveMQ is star... SpringInjectionExample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war Example war to reproduce metaspace oom Spring Webflux + Wildfly Spring Webflux Spring Framework 5.0 introduced a new functional web framework (based on Reactive Streams). I have read a lot of posts about Spring Webflux. Most of them show how it works under Netty. In this article,... Widfly 9 - Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call Hi, After deploying *.war file without error by Widfly 9 final. I accessed the website and got an issue: - The website show screen: - The server.log: 2017-12-27 00:10:58,673 INFO [