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Article CLI - Support for operators | , >> and grep command
CLI - Support for operators | , >> and grep commandSupport for | and >> operators and grep command AnalysisSummaryAesh 1.0 comes with a set of useful operators. 2 are of particular interest in CLI: In order to extend the CLI ‘>’ support wi...
CLI- Better completion for argumentsBetter completion for arguments AnalysisSummaryUse completion to help choose the right arguments/properties to use to compose an operation. This doesn’t apply to command. RequirementsCompletion helps unde...
Design Notes for socket log handlerOverview Pushing log messages to a centralized log collector/server seems to be a more common practice, especially with microservices. This can currently be done with a syslog-handler. However newer collectors ...
Analysis / Design - SAML SASL mechanismAnalysisSummary RFC 9565 introduce SAML SASL mechanism, where SASL server needs to wait and receive information (authentication-statement) from IdP. But this information is send from IdP out of SASL, by direct HTTP ca...
Article CLI - Aesh 1.0 integration and patch command rewrite
CLI - Aesh 1.0 integration and patch command rewriteAesh 1.0 integration and patch command rewrite AnalysisSummaryIn order to modernize the way to develop CLI commands, CLI needs to support commands developed with aesh 1.0 API. Aesh has been recently re-architec...
Wildfly ProvisioningThis document contains all the information about the new Wildfly provisioning system. It is very much a work in progress at the moment. Overview Previously Wildfly was build using a collection of ant scripts th...
CLI - Output JSONCLI to output JSON AnalysisSummary CLI to display ModelNode with JSON syntax. RequirementsOffer the ability to configure CLI to display JSON instead of DMR syntax, DMR syntax being the default. Design NotesAdd a new ...
CLI - commands managementCLI commands management AnalysisSummaryWith the evolution of CLI to support aesh 1.0 commands, we have new use cases that CLI needs to handle. For example, to take benefit of third-party aesh commands (eg: aesh...
Article CLI - Rework batch related commands for better UX
CLI - Rework batch related commands for better UXRework batch related commands for better UX AnalysisSummaryThe batch command is difficult to use. The combination of options is not that obvious to use. Batch command is associated to a bunch of other commands ...
CLI - Stored commandsAnalysisSummary It has been identified a need to capture a set of commands in order to address 2 use cases: 1) Capture a set of commands in order to create a re-usable named command for this set of commands 2) Captu...
CLI - Revisit Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D handlingRevisit Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D handling in CLI AnalysisSummaryExiting when Ctrl-C is typed in all cases seems not the best UX. CLI should align to bash like behavior. RequirementsCtrl-C CLI behaviour (similar to ba...
CLI - Highlight of open/close charactersHighlight of open/close characters AnalysisSummaryIn a context where we have a nesting of complex objects as operation parameters, it is difficult to match the '{' and '[' with their closing counterparts. In pa...
Elytron HTTP Digest Nonce Handling - DesignThis design is to consider a new nonce handling strategy for HTTP Digest authentication for the HTTP Digest authentication mechanism being provided under issue [ELY-286] HTTP Digest Authentication - JBoss Issue Tracke...
Article Could not obtain connection to any of these urls localhost 1099
Could not obtain connection to any of these urls localhost 1099I use CXF Local Transport for testing the JAX-RS methods who have code like this: javax.naming.Context initialContext = new InitialContext(); TMM tmm = (TMM) initialContext.lookup("java:app/cos/TMM"); result = tmm.c...
Analysis / Design - KeyStore password as default KeyManager passwordAnalysisSummary The current KeyManager definition in Elytron requires to specify password for decrypting KeyStore items. Legacy PicketBox implementations didn't required to specify this password - when not specified, ...