1 2 3 Previous Next 33 Replies Latest reply on Feb 12, 2012 5:46 PM by aslak Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

        Hi Bernard,

        thanks for your interest.


        I did use plain Java EE 5 environment including Servlet 2.5.


        I have not started with @In Enricher yet, but discussed details with Aslak, already. I will therefore implement this arquillian-seam2 extension within the next few weeks. When this is done, I will summarize results within blog entry.


        Till then, you could checkout sample code I created for JUDCon talk/live demo last week:



        Feedback welcome.



        • 16. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

          Thanks for the post Michael.


          Can you tell me where I can find the SeamUtil class ? I found out is was part of the de.still.sp.it.util package ... but unable to find it...


          Thanks a lot for your help,


          • 17. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

            Hi Octave,


            here you go: https://github.com/michaelschuetz/seamArquillian-judcon2010/blob/master/seamArquillian-it/src/test/java/com/acme/it/util/SeamUtil.java


            As mentioned earlier, I will implement this integration with assistance of Aslak within next few weeks to hide this kind of glue code.





            • 18. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0



              I am trying to setup arquillian on a project that uses seam 2.1 and jboss 4.2.3. I am progressing well so far. But I see an error. This is attached to the post.


              If I am not wrong, the ear is missing an application.xml file. This statement from AbstractSeamItTest.java is creating an application.xml in the ear right ? would you please throw some light on this.


              final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class , "test.ear")




              • 19. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0



                     The toughest part about this stack trace is that the message is very vague (to me) doesn't point the problem. If you are able to understand the stack trace, please help me understand it. It will help me move forward.




                • 20. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                  Thanks a lot!


                  I can now instantiate Seam component with Componant.getInstance(...)  but still unable to create test with the ComponentTest() {} ... template or with FaceRequest... I can test EJB however


                  In all case, Arquillian seems really promissing !!!

                  • 21. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                    Hi Venkat,


                    well  - Unfortunately, AS 4.2.3 is right (-: There is no application.xml. Java EE 5 / 6 compliant containers technically don't need it, obviously. I tested against AS5.1, 6MS3 and GF3.


                    Anyway, It would be clean and expected to add application.xml (although you loose some sort of flexibility)

                    So, just add sth like this to your abstract class:



                    Please ensure you choose same module names as defined in your abstract test class.


                    Hint: Having defined the following in arquillian.xml enables you to check what has been generated (so, the EAR's content):




                    Sorry for those troubles and hope that helpes.





                    • 22. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                      Hi Octave,


                      hm, sounds like two different things:
                      1) With provided SeamUtil class (see initializeSeam() https://github.com/michaelschuetz/seamArquillian-judcon2010/blob/master/seamArquillian-it/src/test/java/com/acme/it/util/SeamUtil.java#L20) you should be able to access and test both EJB and POJO Seam components.


                      2) ComponentTest and FacesRequest both are from Seam2 org.jboss.seam.mock package. AFAIK, there is no need to mock as Arquillian enables you to test straight within in container.
                      @Dan: Hi Dan, would appreciate if you could validate this statement briefly.


                      If you intent testing JSF/GUI part you might be interested in Arquillian's JSFUnit and Selenium integration.


                      If I did not get your issue yet, please provide some code snippets.



                      • 23. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                        Venkat, is your project with seam and arquillian using maven? If so then please post a skelton of it.

                        I need to test my seam app with JSFUnit and I'm tired with cargo starting my JBossAS 4.2.2.GA every time.

                        • 24. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                          Hello Barnard


                                     Well, our project uses seam and maven so far. I have been assigned the task of setting up integration testing which I have been working on for some time. I am yet to complete the setup. To the best of my knowledge I was not packaging the ear properly (i.e. was not adding all the necessary classes and configuration files) . So I have requested the Project initiator to validate my setup and am waiting for it.


                          Please let me know if you would have me commit the partially completed setup. By the way the link to our project is attached below.







                          • 25. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                            Hi Venkat,

                            If tests based on Arquillian and Seam work on JBoss 4.2.X then please post that project.

                            • 26. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0



                                   Sounds good, I had a plan like that already. I will post the code once I get them running( Speaking optimistically) .




                              • 27. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                                Hi to all,


                                short update: started to work on integrating Seam2 and Arquillian out of the box. JIRA has been filed: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ARQ-347




                                • 28. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0

                                  Huh, more than 30.000 visits, already - I'm really impressed.


                                  Unfortunately, I did not have time to really finish work on that. I am attracted by Seam Forge, currently (-:


                                  So, I look forward to finish this work within the next two month.





                                  • 29. Re: Arquillian + seam 2.2.0


                                    just as feedback, at work we are using with Seam + Arquillian + JBoss 4 .


                                    I created them using the latest version of arquillian and JBoss AS Containers that you can find on github.


                                    I used Michael branch to see how to integrate them.


