8 Replies Latest reply on Jan 16, 2017 5:06 AM by tomjenkinson

    LRCO Technique with Narayana in Spring+Tomcat




      I've a web application that I would like to run using Narayana Transaction Manager in a Spring environment. Our stack is:



      Standalone Narayana TM



      MariaDB Galera Cluster (No XA Support)


      The article (https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/Spring32HornetQ2218JBossTS501Hibernate-XANon-XATransactionsWithConnectionPooling) really helped to understand and implement Narayana in a Spring + Tomcat environment.

      The question I have is around the LRCO support. In my case, I have ActiveMQ that supports XA and a MariaDB Galera Cluster that doesn't support XA. Would Narayana automatically apply the LRCO technique in this case? If not, how do I get Narayana to do this.


      With other standalone transaction managers like Bitronix/Atomikos, I could find LRC datasource wrappers which will take care of this. However I couldn't find any such wrappers for Narayana. It would be great if someone could point me to some examples that explains how to achieve LRCO in a Spring + Tomcat environment.


      Thank you!
