1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 14, 2019 10:42 AM by pferraro

    How to configure infinispan 7.0 efter upgrading from WF10 to WF14


      We have migrated from Widlfly 10 to Wildfly 14. We have an issue with our configuration for the Infinispan(7.0) web cache-container . In previous versions its was possible to set a mode to ASYNC. This is no longer possible and the documenation states:



      > Deprecated Since 6.0.0 Deprecated. This attribute will be ignored. All

      > cache modes will be treated as SYNC. To perform asynchronous cache

      > operations, use Infinispan's asynchronous cache API.



      How can we by configuring standalone-ha.xml use Infinispan's asynchronous cache API?



      Wildfly 10 config



              <cache-container name="web" default-cache="dist" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.infinispan">

                  <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>

                  <distributed-cache name="dist" mode="ASYNC" l1-lifespan="0" owners="2">

                      <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>

                      <transaction mode="BATCH"/>



                  <distributed-cache name="concurrent" mode="SYNC" l1-lifespan="0" owners="2">






      Wildfly 14 config



                      <cache-container name="web" default-cache="dist" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.infinispan">

                      <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>

                      <distributed-cache name="dist">

                          <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>

                          <transaction mode="BATCH"/>


