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JBoss Mail Server 1.0 Milestone 4 is a full POP/SMTP email server supporting virtual hosts, SSL, TLS, and multiple different databases (including specific effort to support Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL). Although this is a milestone release JBMS has already been deployed at a number of corporations and research institutions. You may download or install it (via webstart) here. We do strongly recommend following the instructions, I mean the how to has pictures even and the process for creating users/mailboxes is different from prior releases.


First, I would like to express gratitude to all those who have provided feedback about last week's pre-releases, and in the ongoing poll.


This release is strongly suggested for anyone using 1.0M4-pre1 or 1.0M3 and earlier. It is optional for those who installed 1.0M4-pre2 (there are only changes to documentation, versioning and the installer).

Some of my coworkers have implied that we put out far to many pre-releases and that release is not approaching fast enough. We plan to put out the 1.0 once JBMS has IMAP, WebMail and a graphical administration tool. This is presently scheduled to coincide with the JBossWorld event in Las Vegas (the plan has not changed).


As always we appreciate your feedback and participation in the JBoss Mail Server Forum

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