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Just so you know the blog thing kinda has grown bigger but started out as a crappy looking webpage (blojsom used to be well written but crappy looking - now it is pretty) on my personal server. I begged and whined at people to post. Then MarcF became a believer and he beggged, whined and then posted "blogging manditory" :-). Then Roy Russo and others realized that this gets their project more traffic and every other post became about JBoss Portal ;-)... So I realize that when I turn off the comments that there will be conspiracy theories abound as to why (such people will probably miss that I posted that I WOULD turn the comments off if they became a pain for me in the very first post on here).

Just so you know, I am the guy who goes and moderates all the spam and the unofficial but Matrix-actual (remember that BSG is on tonight). And I don't have time to delete all the medical enhancement ads (and similar content) from our comments. Moreover our corporate communications policy does not include providing a forum for comments of a sexually explict nature or comments offensive to people's race, religion, nationality, etc (you missed it but someone actually managed to offend me AND the "bile blogger" in the same comment thread). Nor are we interested in being a Spam receptacle, for that reason the blog comments are disabled henceforth. That DOESN'T mean the two way communication has to stop, just change venue. We have forums related to the blog and general discussion, places to shoot the..whatever. Just they self moderate better because spammers don't generally register first and more people watch them. So If you'd like to discuss anything you see in the blog go to The Lizzard's Corner or the relevant topical forum. Or download and install JBoss Mail Server and use it to send me an email and I'll probably chat or post it for you in the forum. Or if its JBMS related there is also IRC ( /join #jbms).

Remember to have fun and that blogs and blogging rots your brain.

Update: So this caused the paranoia (and cheap shot) that I feared it might. Note that this change is only temporary as our new site which is to become jboss.ORG has the technology to do what we want (comment w/registration) which I note is not what *he* actually turned on (he turned on moderated comments which means he has to agree w/you first)...where ours were completely open to all spammers.

[acoliver@colo-br-02 acoliver]$ find /home/jboss/blog/jbossBlog/  \

          -type f -exec grep -li "viagra" '{}' ';'|wc -l    471


[acoliver@colo-br-02 acoliver]$ find /home/jboss/blog/jbossBlog/  \

          -type f -exec grep -li "texas" '{}' ';'|wc -l   1662


[acoliver@colo-br-02 acoliver]$ find /home/jboss/blog/jbossBlog/  \

          -type f -exec grep -li "sex" '{}' ';'|wc -l     34


[acoliver@colo-br-02 acoliver]$ find /home/jboss/blog/jbossBlog/  \

          -type f -exec grep -li "java" '{}' ';'|wc -l    192


[acoliver@colo-br-02 acoliver]$ find /home/jboss/blog/jbossBlog/  \

          -type f -exec grep -li "jboss" '{}' ';'|wc -l    620

Our readers are geeky enough that I would expect java and JBoss to show up in their post more often than the other key words :-). I don't mean to be defensive but I took the implication that I was lying as to the reason rather personally. -ACO

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