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After a successful Oasis XACML Interoperability event at the RSA Conference last week at San Francisco, I am pleased to inform you about the release of JBossXACML v2.0.2.GA.

For more information, check out JBossXACML v2.0.2.GA released

For a summary review of the Oasis XACML Interoperability event, please refer to Summary Review: Oasis XACML Interoperability Event at the RSA Conference 2008

What is XACML?
As you are aware, the authorization space is pretty complex unlike the authentication landscape. Access Control requirements can become extremely complex and unmanageable.

Enterprises typically employ proprietary mechanisms such as ACLs to handle access control use cases. Oasis XACML is the only standard that is making an attempt at addressing the complex access control landscape.

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