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Some important events surrounding JBoss Security:

a) I just returned from Oslo, Norway where we held the W3C WSC working group face to face meeting at the Opera Software HQ. We basically discussed items/text that would go in to the 'last call for June', a deliverable for June 30, 2008. What this means is that with a few months of usability testing, the specification should be public in about a year.

I am referring to

2) I have been elected to the Oasis IDTrust Steering Committee by Oasis members (read, experts in the Security world).
The announcement can be looked here:

3) I am on the Program Management Committee for the Open Standards Forum 2008 (October 1-3, 2008) at Ditton Manor, near London. You can take a look at it here.

References: Anil's Blog

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