I'm excited to announce that last Friday (March 9, 2012) Anil and I submitted the application for the JBoss Community to participate in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2012 program. We had 25 project ideas identified at the time of submission, with more added over the weekend. Thanks to all project members who came forward with ideas!
The selected list of organizations will be announced at the end of this week (March 16, 2012). Keep your fingers crossed!
Interested students can browse the list of project ideas, get a list of potential mentors and find other necessary information on the GSoC 2012 ideas page on the JBoss Community site. Feel free to start contacting potential mentors today! You can reach mentors by private message or via the #jboss or #jbosstesting IRC channels on Freenode IRC.
Note: that applications are not yet open for students to start applying. Consult the timeline on the official GSoC 2012 page for dates.
We also encourage you to checkout the Fedora Project GSoC 2012 initiative. There are lots of ideas there as well, including a handful of cross-over projects, which you can find on the Fedora Project GSoC 2012 ideas page.
Thanks to all who have supported this process. Regardless of whether the proposal gets accepted, it's been enlightening to share project ideas and visions with you.