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It comes without surprise that advanced developers routinely extend JBoss with their own MBean services to do all sorts of interesting stuff. Additionaly, it is often the case that the produced mbean code is of a generic nature, or the developer has come up with a not-so-common use-case for which mbeans are a good fit.


Unfortunately (and this is often the nature of OpenSource), we rarely hear back from them! Wouldn't be great if we could somehow share the knowledge, or even better, incorporate some of the best ideas back to the JBoss codebase?


Driven by a request from this fellow here, I created a simple entry point in the JBoss Wiki for anyone that wants to share his/her experience with MBeans, or even better, some working piece of generic MBean code.


You may also try the JBoss User -> Management, JMX/JBoss forum as a starting point for discussing your own unique mbean use-case.


See you at the forums!



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