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Since WildFly 8.0.0.Final was released this week, the OpenShift WildFly cartridge has been updated as well! There are a couple ways to get started quickly on OpenShift. To use the OpenShift Web Console to create your WildFly 8 application, simply click on "Deploy Now" here. If you'd like to use the OpenShift command line tools instead, just follow these steps:


Getting started from the command line


  1. Follow the instructions in the OpenShift Getting Started guide to install the OpenShift command line tools.
  2. Create your WildFly 8 OpenShift application using the following command:

rhc app create <APP>


You're all set now!


Accessing your application


You can access your application via this url:



To connect to your WildFly instance using the JBoss CLI tool, use the following commands:

  1. ssh into your application: rhc ssh <APP>


To access the WildFly Admin Console, port forwarding can be used:

> rhc port-forward <APP>


Checking available ports ... done
Forwarding ports ...

To connect to a service running on OpenShift, use the Local address

Service Local OpenShift
------- -------------- ---- -------------------
java =>
java =>

In the above example, the Admin Console can be accessed using http://localhost:9990.


For more information about the cartridge, take a look at the cartridge documentation.


Try it out!


It only takes a few minutes to get WildFly 8 up and running on OpenShift! We encourage you to try it out and provide feedback. Enjoy!

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