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Kishore's Blog

August 22, 2010 Previous day Next day



We are recently migrating from jboss-eap-4.3 to jboss-eap-5.1.0 and we had some issues with switching on DEBUG level logging in our classes.


Upon some searching within the documentation, I have found why




Go into  [JBOSS_HOME]/jboss-as/server/[JBOSS_PROFILE]/conf/jbossts-properties.xml  and look for the below property and ensure the value is

0xffffffff.If it is already 0xffffffff, you can ignore this post as this isn't your problem.



{code:xml}<property name="com.arjuna.common.util.logging.DebugLevel"
            type="System" value="0xffffffff"/>{code}


This shouldn't need a server restart.




From the documentation

  • I turned on debug logging, but nothing shows up.
    JBossTS sends log statements though two levels of filters.  Firstly, its own internal logging abstraction layer, then the  application server's log4j. A log statement must pass both filters to be  printed. The most likely case is that's you have enabled only one or  the other. See information on the DebugLevel property above.



This  setting determines the internal log threshold for the transaction  manager codebase. It is independent of the server's wider log4j logging  configuration and represents an additional hurdle that log messages must  pass before being printed. The default value is “0x00000000” i.e. no  debug logging. INFO and WARN messages will still be printed by default.  This provides optimal performance. The value “0xffffffff” should be used  when full debug logging is required. This is very verbose and will  result in large log files. Log messages that pass the internal  DebugLevel check will be passed to the server's logging system for  further processing. Thus it may also be necessary to set appropriate  configuration for “com.arjuna” code in the  server/[name]/conf/jboss-log4j.xml file. Note that whilst a value of  “0xffffffff” may be left in place permanently and the log4j settings  used to turn logging on or off, this is less performant than using the  internal DebugLevel checking.