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Shawn Connolly's Blog

March 1, 2007 Previous day Next day

JBoss Reloaded

Posted by shwncnnlly Mar 1, 2007
It has been an interesting few weeks of Blog and press coverage of Marc Fleury's departure from Red Hat:


With Fleury Gone, Red Hat Shifts To New Leaders For JBoss


Marc Fleury Leaves Red Hat


Salut, l'Ami!


If we view JBoss as a movie series like The Matrix, the first JBoss film starred Marc Fleury as "the one" - the open source maverick who made it BIG. Marc was never shy to speak his mind, and that fact helped keep JBoss in the news as much as our great technology did. Marc's persona fueled love/hate feelings forever preserved on the Internet; if you Google "Marc Fleury", you will get hundreds of thousands of hits. Love him or hate him, you have to give Marc props for taking a huge risk in 1999 and creating a software business that was valued at $350M in June 2006. JBoss Part 1 has proven to be a fan favorite and box office success.


JBoss Reloaded starts in February 2007 and highlights an ensemble cast rather than a single star. The foes are bigger and badder too. For the past nine months, the ensemble cast has been hard at work on melding two strong brands, Red Hat + JBoss, into a single software powerhouse known for delivering great technology and unique value. During that time, the market has been comparing the Red Hat stack of products versus the competition and true value continues to win out.


So, we have been working feverishly on our plans and the results of those investments are starting to kick in. We've rolled out new versions of JBoss Seam Framework and JBoss ESB. We've got new revs of JBoss AS, JBoss Portal, JBoss jBPM, and JBoss Rules coming next, and we've bolstered our plans for by adding Bob McWhirter to the team.


So what will be the next big plot twist? Buckle up! The fun has just started and it should prove to be even more action packed than the original.