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Carlo de Wolf's Blog

September 10, 2010 Previous day Next day

As an experiment I've created a Mixin utility class which allows for multiple inheritance. Well actually it does what the class is named create a mixin based on multiple interfaces.


I've no real use case for it, it's a bit of brain rot that I just wanted committed somewhere.


So here is a piece of code that makes use of the Mixin:

public class MixinTestCase
   public static interface A
      String getA();
   public static interface B
      String getB();
   public void test1()
      A a = new A() {
         public String getA()
            return "A";
      B b = new B() {
         public String getB()
            return "B";
      ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
      Object mixin = Mixin.newProxyInstance(loader, a, b);
      assertEquals("A", ((A) mixin).getA());
      assertEquals("B", ((B) mixin).getB());


The full code can be found here:

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