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With the installment of AS 7 we have a perfect runtime implementation for a modular environment in the form of jboss-modules.


Now I also want it to be usable from within an IDE (in this case Intellij) and Maven (our current build tool). So I figured that through the use of a JUnit Runner I could setup a moduler enviroment (similar to Arquillian).


First you'll have to pickup a piece of experimental code I call jboss-modules-junit at


Now you can start to run your test case within a modular environment simply by saying @RunWith(Modules.class).

public class MyTestCase {


By default Modules will take the test class name as the module name. This can be overriden with @ModuleName.


First you'll need a module.xml file to represent your test module. By default the modules runner will look it up on your class path entry of your test class.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.jboss.modules.junit.SimpleTestCase">
        <!-- a trick to add the original class path entry -->
        <resource-root path="../../../../../.."/>

        <module name="junit"/>
        <module name="org.jboss.logmanager"/>


Because you share JUnit with whoever is running the test (IDE or build tool) you need to define a junit module as such. Currently this is a manual requirement.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="junit">
        <module name="system" export="false">
                    <path name="junit/framework"/>
                    <path name="org/junit"/>


So I bring it all together on our main project, AS 7, You can try it for yourself by using Additional VM parameters are required though:

  • -Djboss.home.dir=/home/carlo/work/jboss-as/build/target/jboss-7.0.0.Beta4-SNAPSHOT (mandatory)
  • -Dmodule.path=target/test-classes/modules:/home/carlo/work/jboss-as/build/target/jboss-7.0.0.Beta4-SNAPSHOT/modules (override module repos)
  • -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager (because of Intellij bug, see below)
  • -Djboss.embedded.root=target/temp-config (to instruct AS Embedded to make a copy)


Some caveats though:

  1. Intellij contains a bug which initializes a JUnit test case class too soon ( fixed in 108.13)
  2. Maven and Intellij disagree in which directory to start the test, so you have to explicitly specify $MODULE_DIR$ as the Working directory in the Run Configuration.

Last Saturday the "Fools' Day" release went out the door.


Among a long list of changes, I would like to pick out a couple of issues which I personally find a huge improvment. Before you click off into the list, the short story is that a deployment plan which does not contain all bits will be rolled back. This means that an Arquillian deployment will no longer stall when it has 'missing' or broken bits (JBAS-9077). It also has become the default mode of operation (JBAS-9146). And with a bit of magic it works (JBAS-9082).


To me the rollback feature is a huge boon in usability. If I make a mistake (and I make many ) the application server will provide me guidance. So this "Fools' Day" release has made this fool very happy.


Grab your copy here and tell me what you think.

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