1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 25, 2005 9:30 AM by darranl

    Test war or jar with JBOSS

      Hi folks,

      I read got samples-4.0.2.zip examples, and found the jar and war files are not put in the /delpoy directory of Jboss for testing, but still can be tested in some way. I don't know what is tricky. I wonder if war can be deployed but don't have to be in deploy directory of Jboss. Thank you! Please help.


      This is examples from
      at the bottom samples-4.0.2.zip.

        • 1. Re: Test war or jar with JBOSS

          Have you had a look at the code in the samples download?

          The class you need to look at is 'JBossTestCase' and the suite() method in the test classes. The Main Deployer MBean is invoked using the RMIAdapter and asked to deploy archives based on a URL.

          This is good for testing and development but for anything else the downside is that the archives will not be automatically deployed if the server is restarted.

          Alternatively you can look at the file {jboss.home}/server/default/con/jboss-service.xml Find the URLDeploymentScanner MBean definition at the bottom and there you can either specify other folders to be scanned in addition to deploy or add the URL of archives to be deployed.