3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 5, 2006 3:04 AM by huayseonglee

    Poor unmarshalling performance


      I am using JBoss 4.0.4.GA and JBossWS 1.0.2.GA. I am calling a Web Service using a JSR-109 client as defined in the userguide (http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossws/user-guide/en/html/clients.html#jsr109-clients). However, I am experiencing poor performance (average 400 milliseconds) when JBossWS is unmarshalling/deserializing the response. The response contains 4 Strings and 4 user types (which themselves contain booleans and Strings). The total size of the response is around 5600 bytes.

      Are there known issues with the unmarshalling/deserializing performance of JBossWS?

        • 1. Re: Poor unmarshalling performance

          I ran my code through a profiler and put the meaningful results on my website (http://keyspace.org/callTree.html). The results are from 50 invocations of my JSR-109 Web Service client.

          The root node ($Proxy55.append) is the method I am invoking off my endpoint.

          It doesn't appear now that the unmarshalling is particularly expensive.

          Rather, it appears that its the marshalling that is taking up most of the time, especially building the DOM. It seems to be that this should be much much faster considering that the message that it is sending is only around 900 bytes.

          • 2. Re: Poor unmarshalling performance

            Yes, org.jboss.ws.soap.SOAPContentElement.expandToDOM
            is beeing worked on. Please retry with jbossws-1.0.4

            • 3. Re: Poor unmarshalling performance

              Can someone point me to the download link for jbossws-1.0.4. I am experiencing almost the same problem. My backend component takes only 2 second for the overall processing but when the Web service returning the results to the caller, it takes 13 seconds (excluding the 2 seconds from my server side component). I have tried the similar component developed using Delphi, it does not have such performance issue. I can't imagine what are the things being done by JBOSS during the marshalling and the unmarshalling processing, which make the system so slow.

              Please provide me information by sending the link to my email address huayseong3333@fastmail.fm.