0 Replies Latest reply on May 12, 2008 12:04 AM by rknaik

    Need Help in Exposing Web service method


      I have written a web service using jboss ws. I have exposed one of methods as follows:

       public String getDevDetails(@WebParam(name="dev") String devName)
       String devDetails = null;
       if(null != devName)
       devDetails = genericAccess.getDeviceDetails(devName);
       catch (DAOException e)
       return devDetails ;

      Now in the above method instead of returning a string object i want to return a user defined object of type DeviceDetails say devObj as follows.

       public DeviceDetails getDevDetails(@WebParam(name="dev") String devName)
       DeviceDetails devObj = null;
       devObj = access.getDevDetails(devName);
       return devObj;

      How do i achieve this ?

      And my client code makes use of jboss remoting apis to invoke the above method.

      InvokerLocator locator = new InvokerLocator(protocol + host_address + port);
       if(null == remotingClient)
       remotingClient = new Client(locator);
      Object response = remotingClient.invoke(soapMessage);

      Here the response i get is SOAP response. But i am expecting an object of type DeviceDetails as a response.
      How do i achieve this ?

      Someone please help me .. :(
