2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 12, 2008 10:44 AM by bradmarshall

    Can wsconsume do custom namespaces to package mapping?


      I need to map the various namespaces in our WSDL to different packages during code generation using wsconsume. With the Axis Wsdl2Java tool, I place my mappings in an NsToPkg.properties file and the tool picks them up.

      Can a JAXB or JAX-WS binding file accomplish this with wsconsume? I have not created one of these binding files before. Is there an example of a binding file that illustrates how to map a namespace to a package?

      It is critical to our business model that our one WSDL can be consumed by all our customers. Axis services and clients based on this WSDL have been in production for quite a while.