2 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2008 9:41 AM by edvedafi

    Is a Statefull Webservice Possible?


      We are attempting to build a statefull webservice. So far it has not going well. I have found quite a few posts that point to http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossws/user-guide/en/html/wsaddressing.html, which has nothing but some downloads.

      After downloading jbossws-src-2.0.0.GA, I have still not been able to figure out what is wrong. I have copied all of the java & xml files from the \src\test\java\org\jboss\test\ws\jaxws\samples\wsaddressing directory in to a project, and attempted to deploy it. However Jboss will not deploy the wsdl unless I add an @Stateless annotation, which kind of defeats the purpose.

      I have found examples that we have successfully run on Glassfish, but we currently run JBoss in production and I would rather not have to learn a whole new app server just to be able to do stateful webservices. Any advice that can given would be greatly appreciated.


        • 1. Re: Is a Statefull Webservice Possible?

          I suggest you download the sources and take a look at this test case which is probably what you're looking for: org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsaddressing.AddressingStatefulTestCase

          • 2. Re: Is a Statefull Webservice Possible?

            Thanks for the response alessio....Unfortunately that is exactly what I have already done. If I attempt to deploy the StatefulEndpoint inside my Jboss 4.2.2 server nothing happens. Specifically I would expect that the wsdl would be available, and visible from http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services, but it is not. If I add an @Stateless annotation then the wsdl gets deployed.

            Is there something wrong with my server set up that would cause this? The server I am working with is a clean install, do I need to configure something special for the stateful webservice to deploy? Or am I wrong in assuming that there should be a wsdl generated for the StatefulEndpoint?
