0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 13, 2009 8:16 PM by mmello

    webserviceref annotation does not instantiate service object



      I am using:
      JBossAS5.1.0 on Windows Server 2003
      JBossWS Metro 3.2.0

      I have created a web service client that can be created and used with this code:
      Ap009MService service = new Ap009MService();

      However, it cannot be created with this code:
      @WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation = "http://hostname.com:8080/ServicesPool/Ap009MService?wsdl")
      private Ap009MService service;

      I am not getting any errors in the code (except an NPE when I try to access methods of the null service object).

      I cannot find a reason for this documented anywhere.

      Does anyone know the best way to cause JBossWS(metro or cxf) to instantiate a web service reference automatically?

      Will this @WebServiceRef annotation work at all under JBossAS-5.1.0+JBossWSMetro-3.2.0?

      Thanks for any help!