1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 24, 2008 5:55 AM by zemanel

    Dynamic columnGrouping


      It's possible using richfaces to create a dataTable with dynamic columnGrouping?
      I.E. when i click in a column header it expands/collapses, grouping/disgrouping columns, changing colspans/rowspans/breakBefore

      Part of my xhtml table:

      <f:facet name="header">
       <rich:column rowspan="3">#{a.b} </rich:column>
       <rich:column colspan="12">#{b.c}</rich:column>
       <rich:column colspan="3" breakBefore="true">#{c.d[0]}
       <rich:column colspan="3">#{c.d[1]}</rich:column>
       <rich:column colspan="3">#{c.d[2]}</rich:column>
       <rich:column colspan="3">#{c.d[3]}</rich:column>
       <rich:column breakBefore="true">#{e.f[0]}</rich:column>

      Basically what i need is a reRender of the table associated with action listeners, but for this this column headerrows need to be specified at java beans.

      I know this is possible with normal columns, without any grouping, at least in ICEFaces, but with columnGrouping i have no idea how to set the header structure throw action listeners

      Any help/ideas are welcome :)


        • 1. Re: Dynamic columnGrouping

          Simplifying the post, is it possible to define my dataTable column grouped header on java beans(colspans, rowspawns, breakbefore's, etc), to make them dynamic or they must be static at my .xhtml page ?